chapter fourteen

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Steve was crouched down in front of me while Sam and Bucky had gone to a different part of the warehouse to discuss what would be happening or what was happening. Something along those lines. I leaned my head against my tricep tiredly as Steve fiddled with the chain, rope restraint that locked up my hands.

"So .. fiancée again, huh?" he didn't look into my eyes as he fiddled with the restraint contraption around my hands.

"It was in the heat of the moment," I whispered leaning against my tricep with my eyes closed. "We haven't even said we love each other again."

He looked into my eyes with a raised eye brow, "Just because you were separated for a long time doesn't mean you don't still love each other."

"No offense, Steve but what do you know about romance and love?" I leaned up opening my eyes. "You kissed Peggy once," I whispered. "That doesn't mean you love her. You barely knew her. Bucky started courting me when I was seventeen." He gave me wide eyes at the mention of when Bucky and I started being involved with each other.

"I was merely saying that just because you guys haven't been with each other doesn't mean the love is gone. I saw the way Buck was trying to fight and protect you in Bucharest" he ignored my statement on him and Peggy, which I probably shouldn't have said what I said, but it was an opinion I always had. I let out a small sigh as I wait for him to get my hands free.

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you, you know," he gave me a soft smile locking eyes with me. I gave him a forced smile while looking up, feeling the effects of what I did finally hitting me now that I was down from the adrenaline rush.

"What's going to happen to me, Steve?" I questioned shakily not being able to stop the tear from my right eye. "Don't say that nothing will because I know I'm in trouble."

He brought his hands down from the restraint with a sigh as he placed his hand on my leg with a small pat.

"There's a lot of .. government business you missed while you were gone. As our communication liaison, it was something you definitely didn't need to miss," he sighed as he sat back on his bottom as a way of getting comfortable. I knitted my brows as I leaned up a little more alert. "The world got angry with the Avengers for the damages and the lives that were lost in our battles — New York, D.C., Sokovia and most recently Lagos. They think we need more restraint and only need to go fight when they tell us too. That we're too strong for our own good."

"After today, I can agree with that," I muttered.

"It is a document they're calling the Sokovia Accords. Over a hundred countries signed it. That was the bombing that brought you and Bucky out — the one in Vienna," Steve continued, watching my face for any emotion. "What happened today .. there's no doubt you're considered a threat."

"Oh, god," I muttered leaning my head back as I felt the panic rising in my chest. "I wouldn't hurt anybody unless they deserved it," I forced out as I looked at Steve in a panic.

"I know that, we know that, Tony knows that, but after what Ross witnessed today, you're in just as much trouble as Bucky. I'm in trouble for just helping you," he saw me perk up with wide eyes and held a hand in front of me to keep me from talking. "But you know that you come before anybody in my book. I'm going to protect you, I'm not going to let them hurt you."

"Steve, these accords sound serious and — and if they won't allow you guys to interfere unless they see fit what is your consequence?"

"Don't worry about me, Eliza. I know you're innocent and I'm going to do everything to protect you. As your big brother, that comes first before Captain America," he leaned over kissing my forehead as he gave me a genuine look.

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