chapter four

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I was a doer before I was a thinker. That was one of the extremely major differences between Steve and myself, and it was something I wish I had inherited from Steve, but I had unfortunately not. It was something that always had gotten me into a lot of trouble, even back in the 40's. The reason I lost my child was because I didn't think before I acted. If Howard hadn't been the thinker, I would have had my wish to get injected with the serum in the same device as Steve.

Fortunately, that didn't happen.

Unfortunately, that had given Hydra the ability to do it in their own labs. I never finished my story, and how I was here in this century when I was just this weak woman living in the 40's whom lost her fiancé. I was a pregnant woman with an outrageous mind who thought she could fight off every danger despite carrying such a frail person. The days of being innocent Lizzie. The days where I thought Lizzie Barnes was such a beautiful name, but I lost all of that.

After what Hydra had done to my fiancé, they tried making more super soldiers, but each time they tried, they failed. When they failed they put them into the ice. I had become one of those experimental super soldiers; I had been thrown into the ice, because I was stronger than their brainwashing. I had become a frozen super solider, just as Steve had been in his own circumstances.

I reminisce on all of this as I sit here hanging from the ceiling with my hands tied above my head. When I had left Tony's lab to run to my office to look over that file I had aimlessly pushed to the side, I had a surprise waiting in the office of Agent Elizabeth Rogers.

Even super soldiers lose their battles.

I had been a pawn in Rumlow's game for whatever he had against Steve, but the problem here was I had no idea what Steve was doing.

"You have to believe me, Rumlow. I don't know where Steve is running to," I breathed out as blood dripped from the corner of my lips.

"For someone who went through one of the greatest experiments the Germans could have, you don't give much of a fight," Rumlow chuckled as he pondered over a table full of knives of every degree. I tilted my head slightly at how he could have known that. I made sure Fury kept that part of my file on complete classification.

"How did you —

— the same way I know you were pregnant in 1946, but your husband ... oh I'm sorry, that's not right, you never saw your wedding day," he chuckled as he turned around leaning his hands on the table as he leaned against it. "Your fiancé killed it in an attempt to kill you."

"That wasn't my fiancé," I growled completely ignoring the fact he knew more about my past than my own brother. "That was Hydra."

I came to a realization at the last statement I pushed out. I blinked slightly as the pieces began coming together at how Rumlow could know so much about something that was between me, Fury and Hydra. I gave him an angry look as I realized he had been the reason this organization had been compromised.

"You're working along Hydra. Who else is working with Hydra? You killed your director!"

"You're smart, Elizabeth too smart," he had been standing face-to-face with me. His fist connected with my abdomen sending a halt to my airways. "But not smart enough to save yourself. Where's Rogers and Romanoff?"

He turned around to the table that had a knife from every degree. He had picked a decent sized one off the table that was visibly sharp enough to cut through wood. I narrowed my eye brows as I gave him a determined look filled with anger. He only shrugged as he connected the tip of the blade with my bicep and drug it down. I let out a scream at the stinging sensation it created as he connected his fist with my face at the same time. I spat blood onto the floor with heavy breaths as I received another fist to the face. My head hung low as blood began dripping from my lips.

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