Part 7

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'BEEEEEEEP' I heard a car honk outside my house. I looked outside of my window, it was Malekij.

I got my stuff and rushed downstairs.

"Bye Daddy, bye Faith!" I shouted.

"Do you need my car honey?" Faith asked.

"No, Malekij's here" I replied.

My father then got up and walked me to the door. He kissed my check and waved to Malekij.

"Hey" I said closing the passenger door.

"Goodmorning" he said kissing me.

'He gives me a feeling I never felt before and I deserve it. I think I deserve it.'

Once again, we both walked in school together. People were starting to think we were together and to be honest I was too. I know we just met but I felt like I known him forever. We don't have to be together for him to be mine.

We sat next to eachother in homeroom and in the our first period class.

"Shay!" I shouted down the hall when I seen her pass my locker. "Where you going girl? Aren't we going to lunch together?"

"Oh I thought you was gonn be with Malekij" she replied.

"Shay, you know it's not even like that. Let's go." I grabbed her hand.

"So did you tell Hezekiah yet?" I asked.

Shay shook her head no. I looked at her with a confused face.

"It's not easy, Key. Like forreal. But I'm gonna." She told me looking down.

"Where is he anyways? I haven't seen him all day." I asked Shay.

"Oh he's here. He's been distant all day." Shay sounded upset.

"Well, you know the sooner the better baby."

The last period bell rang. Me and Shay walked out of school together. I walked her to Ms. Harvey's car that Hezekiah was driving and waited with her for him to come. I seen him walked down the lot. He looked real stressed. I gave Shay a hug and walked to Malekij's car.

"Where's Meechi?" I broke the silence during the car ride.

Malekij stared at me for a while and finally spoke up. "She's been sick these past fews day." He answered with an upset face.

"Oh, I hope she feels better soon." I told him sincerely.

"So where's your favorite place to go out?" Malekij asked me, changing the subject.

"I don't really have one. I like surprises though" I hit him with a cheesy smile.

"Stop all that cheesing" he said laughing.

It felt like a fairy tale when I was around him and my heart beat seemed to increase every time he looked at me.

I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn't even notice I was staring at him OR that we were at my house already until he kissed me, which took me with by surprise.

"Oh, I'm sorry" I said, laughing it off. "You wanna come inside?"

"This isn't my type of hood" he looked at me.

"So? C'mon Malekij" I said, taking his keys out the ignition.

I hopped out the car and went to open his door.

"That was real cute, Keyshia" he started giggling.

I grabbed his arm and dragged him inside.

"Daddy!" I shouted walking in. "Malekij's here."

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