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Angelina Belova went with Agatha to take her measures to make the kefta, the long coat Grishas use. The Healer explained that they are not only warm and ajustes to endure their powers, but also bulletproof. The later got Agatha by surprised, which make Angeline laugh of her face.

She received a tour of the Little Palace too, getting to know the patio, the training area, the gardens, the kitchen, the infirmary and even the "fun rooms", where some Grishas tend to rest. The Healer explained that the Grand Palace was where otkazat'sya — humans — dwell, while the Little Palace is where the Grishas reside, though all the servants there are otkazat'sya.

After relaxing for the entire day, Agatha closed her eyes in an attemp to release at least a memory. She received her own chambers, one with a comfy bed, a wardrobe, a vanity and a study desk. It was more than she could've asked, especially because it's warm, protecting her from Ravka's cold air, and it has a washroom too. However, the woman was still uncomfortable, desperate for not remembering her own life and nervous for being in such a new and odd place — which she still thought it was some kind of cult.

A sudden knock on the door takes her off from her reveries. Sighing, Agatha goes to answer it, just to find Angelina with full hands; a plate of food on one and a huge book on another. The Healer would say something if she hadn't look at Agatha's dark brown irises, staying lost on them. Although they send her a calm and peaceful wave, they seem to radiate Agatha's emotions. It was like Angelina could read it all just by looking at the woman's eyes.

Grief. Uneasiness. Agony.

Angelina gulps before having the courage to break the silence, but still looking at the girl's eyes. "Did I— Did I wake you?"

"Oh!" Agatha blinks in realisation the Grisha was talking to her. "No. No, I was just... awake."

Really, Agatha? She scolds herself. You were just awake?

The Healer chuckles. "That's good. But I rather you get some rest than an insomnia. After all, you're still in shock."

"Yeah", she sadly sighs, remembering her own frustration "I guess so."

"I brought you dinner", Angelina raises the plate in one of her hands and Agatha gets it. Grilled fish, pasta and some vegetables — they seemed good, and the smell was appealing. "I don't know what you like, so I got a little bit of everything."

"Thank you", she makes a pause. "Come in."

The Grisha closes the door after she enters the room, gripping the book tightly to avoid her nervousness. In some way, she feels shy towards the newcomer, something that she usually isn't. However, if she pass some time with her, maybe this shyness will go away.

"I brought this book too", she finally says, the air in her lungs reducing a little when Agatha turns around with a frown. "Is a... instructive book."

"Instructive book?"

"Yeah, for our world. You can learn the species here. I thought this would be a good introduction for you."

"Ok", Agatha sits on the bed with the plate on her lap, eating a pea.

Angelina sits by her side, opening the book for her to see it. "First of all, you need to know what we are. Grishas."

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