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3 days ago — London, England

The woman looks at the four hanged bodies on the scaffold, the wind that makes her dark brown strands fly the only proof that the Ancestors took these souls away from these world. If they went to heaven, to hell or to the Other Side, that's something she'll never know. In all of her 475 years of life, she never let her curiosity lead her brain enough to ask alone the Old Ones about the sould in the afterlife. That's an errand for a priestess and only them. Unfortunately, the Ancestors had not chosen to this sacret role, and she must respect that.

Her light green eyes analyze the audience. As always, there are 3 types of people there: the bloodthirsty (the ones that have pleasure in witness others pain), the frightned (those afraid of this being their destiny) and the numb (indivuals that had seen that scene enough to not care about nothing anymore, life is now just a survivence game for them). In which type the woman classifies herself? None. She has just lived so much that death is like a book for her; there're some that matter and have an impact in your life, while others just happen.

In the wizarding world, death is not a 'goodbye', but a 'see you later'. There'll always be ways to communicate with the dead. Or even resurrect them, depending on your power level and the state the body was left.

"What was the crime?" A husky voice asks behind her. She feels ther corner of her lips raising in a small smile.

"Treason. Murder attempt on the Queen."

The dark skinned man stands by her side. "Seems fair enough." He then looks at her with a genuine smile. "Hey, Kat."

"Good evening, Nick." She nods at her cousin, which is immediately shrugged off by him with a tight hug.

"I haven't seen you in 3 months. Cut off your cordial habits, cousin."

Both of them almost jump in surprise when a third pair of arms wrap around their bodies. "I wanna be part of that too!"

"Oh, Levi! Come here!" Nick tightens the hug with the presence of their other cousin.

Katherine chuckles at the sillyness of her family, although internally happy for being hugged in this British winter. Besides warming her, it felt good to be hugged after so long time by trusted people - she's not a affectionate person, and when she accepts a hug, it's only from the few people she loves.

"It would be such a cute scene if it wasn't for the scaffold over there." The three of them turn around after hearing a familiar voice with its characteristic French accent. The blonde woman's looking at them with amusement, her red lips quievering in a smile.

"Get out, Katherine", she pushes the brunette away from the boys. "It's my turn now."

The woman rolls her light green eyes as she see her other cousin being hugged by the two men. However, her loneliness is quickly replaced by an arm around her shoulders and a head leaning on hers. She doesn't need to face the person to see the ginger hair and blue eyes she knows so much and conclude it is Hope.

"Hi", the redhead mutters, and Katherine swore she could hear the smile on her face. "How was Yorkshire?"

"Good. Went to Scarborough Fair."

She nods. "There were some cool fairs in Ghent too."

"Did you buy a lot of chocolate?" The brunette turns to her cousin with a smirk, ready to mock her. "The last time we went to Belgium together, you had a stomachache and diarrhea."

Hope hits her shoulder, pretending to be angry. "I told you to leave it there! What happens in Belgium, stays in Belgium!"

Katherine laughs, but soon stops as Nick's worried voice questions: "Where's Agatha? She's always early."

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