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Agatha finds herself in what seems the General's office. It's huge; the light coming through the window iluminate the wooden desk with a comfort chair behind it, there's a fireplace on one of the walls that can be an awesome source of heat along with the fur rug near it — a black couch and two armchairs of the same color with golden embroideries encircle the rug.

"Botkin informed me you summoned wind", the Darkling enters the room, making Agatha still in her place. "Air with an impressive strength."

"He told me to do a movement. Said I might've muscle memories."

"But it wasn't a Grisha movement", she nods. "Can you do the movement for me, Ms. Agatha?"

The woman closes her eyes with a deep breath, trying to reach the strength in herself she found minutes ago. Her mind races with the instructions to repeat the movement that came from her heart.

Both hands raised. Middle, index and tumb lifted. Right hand close to the chest and quickly bring the left hand to the front.

She almost collapses with relief when she feels the wind makes the papers fly along with the curtains. She did it. She summoned air twice today, and it had with an impressive strength according to Botkin, a man that sees Grisha powers everyday.

Agatha opens her eyes excited, however, her heart clenches when she sees the General and his Heartrenders. He looks normal, but there's a tension in his shoulders that wasn't there before she do the movement, and his guards are looking at her with complete awe.  She opens her mouth to say something in her defense, though the Darkling's calm voice cuts her off.

"I'm afraid Botkin's right, Ms. Agatha. In all of my years of training and leading the Second Army, I've never seen this movement."


"You're gonna do something with me? Punish me?" She adds after he raised an eyebrow.

"Stop with nonsenses, Ms. Agatha. There's no need to punish you just because you're a strong Grisha. However", the air she was a about to release stops again "you're having power lessons with the best professor here."

"For what?"

"For learning the Grisha movements. Control is the core every Grisha in this world should have, Ms. Agatha."

Agatha finally sighs in peace, albeit biting her tongue to not answer the General with a 'got it'. She doesn't want to sound disrespectful and end up being punished. "Yes, Sir."

"You may rest now. Tomorrow will be quite a hectic day."

She nods. "Thank you, Sir."

"You're dismissed."

The woman leaves the war room without hesitation. Aimlessly walking through the Little Palace's hallways, she tries to find any thoughts of why she decided to do this movement. It is weird enough that this muscle memory worked, but it gets weirder when she stops to questions why the Darkling didn't investigate her more. Of course, it can be because this was a movement that worked either way for her and he's a busy man, but Agatha doesn't think he would ignore this. No, the man that questioned her what she was and was skeptical of her story would do a further investigation of her, do all in his power to dig deeper to find every little thing about her.

That's why he dismissed her so quickly. He wanted to have more time to discover her story. For a mere second, she wonders if General Kirigan would tell her what he found just to achieve a memory of her. That is, if he concludes she's harmless, of course.

Suddenly, the woman finds herself in the library. It's huge, with 2 floors of bookshelves, a few tables with chairs and an area near the tall windows with golden couches and armchairs just for those who wants to read. However, even being enormous, Agatha can't help it but feel she'd already been in a bigger library. This whole room feels like little knowledge to her.

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