That Info Chapter

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Aaaand, it's the starting chapter we all love, but is often important to include and read: Info chapter!

First off, the usual disclaimers. I don't own the characters of Hermitcraft; this is just a fanfiction of them. Any shipping is between personas only, not IRL creators.

The cover and any art used are mine, unless specified otherwise.

Now, I do have a couple of warnings for this story. There's gonna be some darker stuff in here, like manipulation (through magic but still), probably a lot of fight scenes, maybe some near-death, possibly a torture scene? (Not positive about that one yet.) I'll put warnings before anything bad, but if just me mentioning any of these things bothers you, then read at your own risk. 

Though shipping isn't the main focus of this fic, there will be quite a few ships mentioned, so fair warning on that. Impulse and Xisuma are only in platonic ships, and Pearl and Gem aren't part of Hermitcraft yet in this timeline, so you don't need to worry about them.

Let's see... any other random things I can remember? 

Impulse is part demon because yes, and Grian has birb wings. Also Ren is part dog/wolf, but that's canon, so...

POVs will include Grian, Impulse, Etho, Ren, and Bdubs, I believe. 

This is set in S7, right after the end of the Turf War if you didn't gather that already lmao.

I think that's all?

To end, I would like to thank SydsydqrWatcherXanthia, and DakotahWinters for volunteering and being lovely beta readers! <333

- Eevee <3 (Yes, I started a new story despite everything, no one can stop meeeee-)

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