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      AMAYAS FINGERTIPS BURNED, the sensation of gripping onto a pole for dear life was not welcomed. Today was the day of their big robbery, which meant scaling buildings to stay out of sight. Looking down, Powder, Claggor and Mylo were below her, which only made her more determined not to fall. Swallowing thickly, she moved her concentration to her hands. Above her was Vi, who insisted that Amaya go after her, knowing  that she could trust the girl to keep an eye out for Powder as well.

"We're almost there!" Vi assured the group, looking down and seeing their tired faces, she locked eyes with Amaya and smirked a little at her determined face.

"How far is almost," she groaned, resting her head on the wall.

"Almost is almost," Vi replied, teasingly.

"I hate you"

"Sure you do"

Gathering her strength, Amaya had finally pulled herself over the ledge, with the help of Vi, and then turned to lift powder over as well, lightly pinching her cheek as well. As she caught her breath, the girl took the time to survey her surroundings. She gazed at the beautiful city before her, which thrived in the beauty of daylight, wow... she thought to herself.

"Hey powder, come take a look," Vi called to the her sister, she walked over to stand next to her, eyes wide in awe of the sights the child was seeing. Amaya grinned at it.

After a few moments, Mylo and Claggor had reached them as well, and just as they did, a huge great blimp soared over their heads. Amayas jaw dropped, she hadn't realised how large they were until this very moment, "one day," Powder started, "I'm gonna ride in one of those things,"

"And one day, I'm gonna shoot one of 'em down,"


"Vi, are you sure about this?" Claggor asked, almost nervous, "look, if we get caught, we're-"

"We're not gonna get caught," Vi assured, moving to make her way across the roof, Amaya was quick to follow, "we'll be in and out before anyone notices. All right, everyone follow me. Just don't look down."

Just as Vi said that, Amaya looked down, visibly gulping at it, the pink haired girl whispered into her ear, "are you sure you're okay with being here?"

"look at you being all caring," she nervously teased, "but yes, I'm fine. Lead the way,"

And with that, Vi leaped onto the side of the building, hastily jumping to the other with no issue, she looked back to the rest of the group, as if to say, 'don't worry', Mylo smirked, and went to have his turn, with Claggor right behind him, turning around Mylo said, "Maya, you aren't too scared are you?"

"Shut up," she grumbled, taking that as motivation to prove him wrong, gathering her strength she dropped down onto the balcony, and leapt across, she made the jump, just as good as he did, if not better. Vi smirked at Mylo, knowing that Amaya could do it.

"Couldn't we at least just walked there?" Claggor said, face lookimg worn out.

"Gotta stay out of sight for this one," Vi stated firmly, clearly knowing what she was doing, before staring up at where Powder remained, who was stunned by the sight of the massive drop.

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