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ACT. 3


"POWDER?" Vi breathed, standing alongside Amaya, whose jaw had dropped, she hadn't properly seen her new self yet, 'Jinx' was there the day of the attack on the square, but- she didn't get a good enough look on how much the girl had changed. As they had been running from Silco, like a miracle, they had seen the blue flare that Vi gave Powder the night of the incident, and immediately went after her. To which Caitlyn was left, trying to catch up.

Powder froze, hesitantly turning her head, only to see the two girls she thought were dead. Vi took steps toward her, she looked like she could cry.

"Vi? Maya?"

"Oh, Powder!" Vi sobbed, pulling her little sister into a breath restricting hug, to which she returned after a few seconds, Powder brought her eyes to Amaya, who had a tear falling down her cheek. She gestured for her to join the hug. So she did.

"I'm so sorry, Powder. I..." Vi started, looking at her, "I tried to come back. I promise, I did. But I... I got arrested."

"I got kidnapped by Sevika and Silco- so that explains why I was missing-" Amaya butt in, to which Powder frowned.

"Silco- kidnapped you? And Vi- you were arrested? Marcus..."

"I don't know- I just... I never thought I'd see you again, or Maya for that matter..." Vi cried, cupping her little sisters face.

"Same here- I thought you both were dead for a few years." Amaya spoke, wiping her glossy eyes.

"Are you both- real?" She asked.

"Yes, of course. It's me, Vi. Your sister. And Maya."

"What do you mean 'and Maya', I also might as well be her sister, quite frankly, I find that offensive."

"Shut up."

"Things changed when you left. I changed." Powder whimpered, Amayas heart clenched at the sight.

"You did what you had to do to survive, Powder," Amaya started, sympathetically, "We all did."

"What matters is we're together..." Vi spoke, pulling her into a hug once again.

As she said that, footsteps could be heard, Amaya whipped around in response, only to let out a sigh of relief when she saw that it was just Caitlyn. But, Powder didn't seem as relieved, as she had immediately picked up her machine gun. Caitlyn froze.

"Who's she?"

"Who are you?"

"It's okay, Powder," Amaya said, "she's our friend."

"Sevika wasn't lying?" She said, disgusted, "You're with an enforcer?"

"No- it's not like that!"

"Your sister is- Jinx?"

"Caitlyn, just listen," Vi said desperately, "we can work this out."

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