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"YOU'RE ALIVE?" Vi whispered, immediately dropping Amaya to the floor looking down at her. Her emotions threatening to get the better of her, cupping one side of the girls facs, Vi said, "Are you real?"

"Are you?" Amaya countered, her heart felt like it was gonna fall out of her chest, "They all said you were dead- where did you go?"

"I was drugged, and taken to Stillwater..." She replied, her voice low, afraid that if the volume rose any higher, the girl stood in front of her would vanish.

"Oh my god- you're the one Caitlyn broke out of jail!" Amaya put the pieces together, "suddenly I'm not so pissed at her anymore."

"Nevermind that... How are you here right now, I found your severed finger!"

"You had my goddamn finger?"

"...um- yes?"

"That's real creepy, Vi. Wait- did you throw my finger away with the ring?"

"Nope," she replied, holding up her hand, Amaya could now see, that her ring was situated on Vis pinkie, she blushed at the sight, "want it back?"

"No! I mean- no, keep it. It looks nice on you..." She said, nervously fiddling her thumbs, as the pink haired girls face lit up with a small smile. Now Amaya could properly take the chance to observe the now obviously older girl. She was gorgeous, her hair was slightly longer, and her neck was covered in ink. Wait- is that a nose ring?

"So, you were looking for Caitlyn?"


"How'd you find her?"

"I put a tracker on her."

"Why on earth would you be putting a tracker on someone like her?"

"Um- I'm her personal guard..."

"You're an enforcer?!"

"Now isn't the best place to explain..."

"I think, I for one, am owed an explanation too." Caitlyn spoke up, amazed at the interaction that happened before her, "Amaya, how do you know her?"

"Do you mind waiting here for a moment, Cait? I just need to speak with Vi first?"


"I work for Ekko."

"Ekko? What do you mean?"

"He runs like- I don't know... a group? I guess, to combat Silco, and I'm his eyes and ears up on topside, we managed to pull some strings and get me enrolled in enforcer training, and eventually the opportunity came up to be Councillor Kirammans daughters personal guard." Amaya said in one breathe, finally sighing afterward, looking Vi in the eyes.

"Wow- I guess you got busy when I left..."

"Looks like you did, too," she winked, "hot nose ring, by the way."

Vi barked out a laugh, "looks like you got a little braver," she said, smirking.

"Well, I didn't have you protecting my every move anymore, so naturally I developed a thicker skin," she hummed, "I thought about you every, single day, you know?"

"Same here, not a day went by where I didn't find my thoughts constantly drifting back to you," she sighed, "there were so many things I wanted to say."

"Please, just hold me."

"Why didn't you say that sooner?" With that, Amaya and Vi practically threw themselves into each others arms. Amaya wrapped her arms around the girls inked neck, and Vi circled hers around her waist, pulling their fronts flush up against each other. As they stood there, holding each other, Amayas dam broke. Tears streamed down her beautiful face, as she basked in Vis presence. A small sob escaped her lips.

"Please don't cry..."

"I'm sorry- I... I just missed you. So, so much. God, if only I had known you were at Stillwater, I would have come for you in a heartbeat."

"Come for me?" Vi said, her tone was sinister, and Amaya pulled back slightly to look at her.

"Moment ruined."


"Did you have to make it dirty?"


"This is why you got locked up."

"Woah! That's so insensitive!"

The two girls looked at each other again, before bursting out in fits of laughter, as it died down, Vi spoke again, "Hey, are you and Caitlyn- y'know-"

"Are me and Caitlyn together?"


Amaya gasped.

"Are you... Jealous?!"


"You definitely are!"

"I'm not."

"Hmm sure," she teased, "but- to ease your mind, no we aren't... she's basically my sister. She might come across as pretentious, but she's genuine in wanting to help."

"I see..." Vi replied, "maybe I'll cut her some slack since you put in a good word for her."

"Only because I asked?"


"How adorable..." She cooed.


"This is coming from the same person who said, 'not a day went by where I didn't think of you'."

"Those weren't my exact words..."

"Do I look like I care."


ok so they met up again- this is a little shorter but they'll have more moments

THE UNDERLINGS | VI X FEM!OCWhere stories live. Discover now