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        "I NEED TO SPEAK WITH ONE OF THE INMATES," Caitlyn said firmly, staring up at the prison guard, who looked back, eyes dull.

"Oh, folks in here aren't usually very talkative." He replied, looking down at the girl who was tiny in comparison to him.

"This one was hit by friendly fire, he's got reason to talk," she states, "Must have been sent in today?"

"Oh. Inmate 2135. Yeah, I'm, uh, afraid that's not possible," he says, slowly, and Caitlyn narrows her eyes.

"Why not?"

"Uh, well, there's been... an incident-"

"What kind of incident."

"The... not so pretty kind."

"You dont understand," the dark blue haired girl pleads, I have to talk to him..."

"Oh, you'll be able to... as soon as he can move his jaw again," the guard laughs at his own joke.

"Who assaulted him?"


And that was that, Caitlyn sent herself straight over to the culprit. However, the corridors in which this persons cell was situated, had an ominous feeling about it, it unnerved the girl as she walking closer and closer. The sound of the inmates fists could be heard against the wall. Repeated thudding. Caitlyn looked in, and all she could see was ink and a flash of pink hair.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I took a look at your file, There's no record of you or your crimes. What are you here for?" Caitlyn quickly questions the woman, who had now fully turned to face her.

"My sunny personality," she quipped.

"You attacked an inmate. Why?"

"Why not?"

"He was a witness in an ongoing investigation," Caitlyn exclaims desperately, stepping closer to the bars.

"Hmm, bummer."

"This was a waste of time," she whispers, regretting making Amaya cover for something so silly.

"Couldn't have put it better. Hey, give Silco a kiss on that Winning eye of his, Will you?" The girl says, pacing around in her cell.

"Silco?" Caitlyn questions, "the industrialist?"

"Okay, this is getting old. Can you just send in whoever's gonna kick the shit out of me, so I can get on with my night?"

Holding up her research, Caitlyn question, "Does this mean anything to you?"

The girls head snapped up, and she lurched forward, arms on the bars, "Where'd you get this?" she demanded quietly.

The dark haired girl exhaled, "My question first. He worked for Silco?"

"-Uh, they all do? How can anyone not know that? Where did you find this?"

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