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"VI? WHERE ARE YOU GOING?"Amaya called, pumping her legs to catch up with Vi, she had stormed out after the monstrosity with the council, it was within her right though, the council will never learn with minds like that. The rain splattered as the evening came to a close, a sheet of darkness covered the city of Piltover, making the lampposts glow stark against it. Vi came to a halt, pausing at the sound of Amayas voice, before turning around with a pained look on her face, almost like she was trying to suppress what she felt.

"I don't know. Back home?" Her voice clearly had a slight tremble to it, she was upset, they both were, "Seems like that's what everyone up here wants."

"Oh? And I just fall into that category then? Is that what you think of me?" Amaya exclaimed, feeling slightly offended that she had been grouped with those hooligans.


"Then we can fix this, Vi! Together!" She yelled, gripping the girls shoulders, who in return looked down.

"We can't, buttercup," She quickly replied, looking into Amayas eyes with distress, she just wished everything could go back to how it had been, before. When Vander was alive, "This is how things are. How they've always been, we were so stupid to think it could change."

"There has to be something- Caitlyns a councillors daughter for fucks sake! Surely theres some strings that can be pulled?" Amaya cried, stepping forward towards the girl, who only scoffed, "We have to try..."

"We did. Okay? And guess what? It didn't work." She stated accusingly, "And if we keep pushing the council- I'm afraid that...that-"

"Afraid that what?"

"I might lose you again! Happy?" She yelled, "Mylo, Claggor, Vander and- and Powder. They're all gone, I only have you! I can't- I can't risk you. Please."


"Topside and bottom. Oil and water. That's all there is."

"What about us? I have a duty to Caitlyn and Ekko and I can't just go running off to hide, Vi! That's not who I am and you should know that!" Amaya pleaded, her eyes were wide with desperation, her grasp on Vis shoulders got tighter.

"I know, there will never not be an 'us', buttercup. Despite what duties you owe, you should know that I'm not going to force you to come with me. Because that's not who I am." Vi countered almost immediately, her face and hair was now drenched, as was Amayas.

"Where will you go?"

"To make Silco pay."

"Why the hell didn't you say that sooner?! I thought you were just gonna leave and go and become a little rodent!"

"I take it that means you're coming with me?"

"Hell yeah I am! Vi and Amaya is the dreamiest dream team, baby! Vamaya! Woo!"

Vi just stood there with a minor look of concern on her face.

"We should probably see Jayce, Mr. WonderBoy, THE inventor of Hextech- and also the most annoying man I've ever met- like I'm being serious. He's been a piece of shit on the bottom of my shoe for years now."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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