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      MYLO, CLAGGOR, AND AMAYA, stood over a table, staring at various things they had managed to turn into weapons, Mylo piped up, "well, if the enforcers hit tonight, we'll be ready."

"Will we, though?"

"Dibs on the gun."

"No, no, no, I found it."

"But I called it."

"Do you two knuckleheads ever shut up."

"Maya! Respect the dibs."

"You can respect my fists if you're lucky."

The sound of the wooden door opening and closing, dragged three out of their bickering, and also captured Powders attention, who was sat on her bed, looking forlorn. Vis quick footsteps could be heard as she made her way down the steps.

"Vi?" Amaya breathed, she had been out for a while and didn't say anything as she left, the girl was worried for her.

"Where's the-" the pink haired started, before being interrupted by her little sister.

"Oh, you're back!" Powder instantly ran up to her to squeeze her close, the little girl looked relieved to see her, but her smile dropped as soon as she heard Vis shaky breaths and scared face. She moved past Powder and made her way to the table to pick up a weapon, as she started reaching for one, Mylo spoke.

"Hey, those are Vanders... Slow down, what's going on?"

"...Benzo's dead."


"They took Vander..."

"Who took Vander?"

"I don't know. But I need to help him," Vi stated, her heroic tendencies taking over her decision making.

"I'm going with you," Amaya immediately said, moving to stand in front of the girl. Her eyes were pleading, but she accepted that nothing was going to get Amaya to not go, she wanted to protect Vi, and get her father back. Vi nodded.

"Whatever killed Benzo, was nothing like I've ever seen..." She balled her damaged fists, and looked to the ground, Amaya felt for her, all she wanted was to make it better, "it tore him apart," she sobbed.

Amaya was quick to pull Vi into a tight hug, to which the girl buried her head into the crook of her neck, and wrapped her arms around her waist, "you aren't doing this alone, Vi" she spoke, gently, "he's our father too."

"Do we know where they took him?"

"Ekko followed them," Vi answered, "The old cannery next to the docks. He said-" she paused while lugging the bag on her shoulder, she caught sight of her little sister, who was hoping to come, "I need you to sit this one out, Powder."


"You're not coming."

"I'm not afraid!"

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