1 - Super Nova

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I stared at the patterns on the ceiling, they were randomly curved like waves and they were a slight cream colour

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I stared at the patterns on the ceiling, they were randomly curved like waves and they were a slight cream colour. As I stared, I flicked my wrist, throwing my favourite dagger up in the air and catching it again after it flipped.

I didn't bother to look at it after it left my hand, I was to well adjusted to the feel and weight that I couldn't drop it, I'm too good at using it. 

I had 5 minutes before I had to go train which, funnily enough I didn't mind doing, it relaxed me and I loved beating the guys up, especially the ones who thought they could beat me. 

They never could.

I eventually get bored of the knife and sit up before I place it on my bed sized table and stand up.

There's a lot to do around here but one of my favourites is reading through my old task files. That may sound confusing but you'll learn what I'm talking about in a minute.

I have a massive box at the back of my closet that I keep them all in. I call it my killer-filler for reasons you will once again, understand later on.

I open my closet doors and step in before crouching down and dragging the box out and opening it.

It's filled with all the brown colored paper folders I've ever received about the people I've... you know what, I'll tell you in a sec. The box even has my own folder, I made it for myself to make myself feel more high profile and important, no one would ever make one about me any way, I stay out of sight and hidden so even if they wanted to, they would even know my name or have a photo of myself to make a case file.

I've read all these files hundred of times, I memorised them to the point that if you asked me a name from one of them, I could tell you all about that person.

My one lays on top of the rest, I can tell it's my own as it has a coffee stain on the cover from when I was making it.

I pick it up and open the cover to see its contents, it has a smallish square photo of me in the corner held in place by a paperclip. The picture is one of the only ones I have of myself, I destroy the rest. Just in case.

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