32 - just... stay alive

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There's a wall

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There's a wall. Made of bricks. In front of me.

If I could move maybe a meter further I would be able to touch the rough surface of it.

Thats it.

Thats all I've thought of for... for... a day? two days? I don't know how long but for however long I've been in here for is how long I've thought of it.

It's dark and the colour of the wall seems a darker red then it probably is in the light. I bet its the same colour as my blood.

I never knew skin could absorb a colour but I've been covered in my own blood for so long now, I think it must of.

I also haven't spoken since I've been here. Not screamed or cried, I've been silent. They don't deserve my noice or my voice, even when it hurts and my body feels like its on the edge of cracking, breaking in half.

When every inch and bone wants to give up and just... die I still don't make a noice.

If stubbornness was a medal I would have won it.

They come in frequently, try to get information from me. It's mostly torcher and I have to give them credit because they are pretty good at it. I haven't been able to check myself out but if I had to take a guess, I would say I've got a broken nose, a lot of broken fingers, a fractured ankle at least and quite a lot of deep cuts around my body which I'm sure will heal to scars that's if I even stay alive for long enough for them to heal.

Oh yeah and the two bullets through my thigh and stomach. I don't think the the bullet through my thigh did much but I have to admit the one through my stomach did take a toll on me.

My wrists are chained up above my head making all the blood to leave my arms. I would stand up to stop that horrible aching caused by my now bloodless arms but I don't even have the energy for that so I stay sat, the only thing holding me up are chains which dig into my wrists.

But on the positives side of things, I'm not dead so I mean it could be worse.

I could also of been thrown in lava or raped or in the Antarctic without a coat so like I said it could be a lot worse, I just have to stay positive and think of any way to get out.

I knew I was on the property of the Americans, I was actually surprised I hadn't seen my father yet, knowing him, he would off came to torcher me himself as soon as he possibly could.

I wasn't actually sure where I was. I knew I wasn't in the American compound because I knew every room in that place and this wasn't one of them so I must be in a hidden warehouse or something. One that I didn't know about.

But me not knowing where I was or even the area I was in would make escaping even harder.

In fact, it felt impossible. Everything felt impossible.

Nova now is not the time to feel sorry for yourself get a grip and get out of here.

I was right. So how do I get out of here. I was chained up and I didn't have anything to break the lock with so I would have to get someone to come and undo it before I could think about running.

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