11 - Two Against The World

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"Why won't this car go any fucking faster?" I shouted the words in frustration as I hit the wheel of my black audi r8

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"Why won't this car go any fucking faster?" I shouted the words in frustration as I hit the wheel of my black audi r8. I liked this car, it was slick and fast I even raced it a few times and won.

Right now however, I didn't give a shit about the car. I didn't like people so why the fuck was I driving 110 mph down a high way trying to get to this girl who might die in... 20 minutes

shit, this was going to be close.

Yes, I admit it I was impressed by her when I saw the video, then again when she got out of that chair she was chained in, and again when she beat Lucas and took his hits for him.

And yes, maybe I thought she was hot, probably even gorgeous.

Since she had been in the compound I had called my sluts over 12 times, I couldn't control my thoughts around her but I only assumed it was because of how she looked.

Now however, I was worried about her.

Why the fuck was I worried about her? 

It made no sense to me but I figured I would sort it out later when this was over and when she was safe.

I should reach the spot where Daisy and Nova planned to wait for the Mexicans in 4 minutes which would be cutting it close as the Mexican's would be arriving in 5 so I pressed down on the peddle even harder trying to speed up.

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