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I was finally away; I was away from him and his stupid mafia and the worst thing is, I thought I got away without consequence

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I was finally away; I was away from him and his stupid mafia and the worst thing is, I thought I got away without consequence.

I knew two of the men that were here tonight. I never liked them, they always thought they were better then everyone around them but when they were in front of my Father they always tried way to hard to suck up to him.

They acted tough and hard but they were scared little pussys who would ultimately do anything for their bosses approval and I guess that meant trying to kill Daisy.

As I looked at them, it's like time stopped for a little. Like those superhero's with the power to move really quickly so their whole life moves extremely slow around them as they go really fast.

I was thinking fast but everything around me was a slow as could be. My thoughts of my previous life consumed me.

Was it even previous? Was I still trapped in it?

How do you move on from a life and how do you know when that life is truly behind you?

The one thing you can never have when it comes to my father is hope. Hope when it comes to being able to forget him. Hope when it comes to thinking you'll be able to escape him. Hope when you think you'll make it out alive.

I had always been able to think clearly about what to do next in these situations so why was this different? Why could I hear my pulse and why wasn't I thinking about what were they going to do next and how could I stop them?

Maybe the answer is simply having someone like Daisy to loose. I couldn't loose the person that finally made me feel like a person.

fuck sake Nova, get your shit together. You don't have time for this.

Okay think...

They had a pretty stupid plan coming in here, they didn't think about anything so it took me less then 2 seconds to figure everything out.

For one thing it was obvious they were speaking about me leaving the American mafia and joining the Italian mafia and then it was easy to connect the dots.

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