26 - Do me

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Who knew it was actually possible to find a semi-nice person in here?

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Who knew it was actually possible to find a semi-nice person in here?

I was still in the kitchen unsure of what to do as I was bored, when this guy came in. He greeted me with a strong English accent and I greeted him back.

His name was Thomas and seeing as I didn't have anything else to do in the moment, I talked to him a while.

He was actually really civil and funny. We had a great talk about the most dangerous thing we've ever done and I tried so hard not to laugh when he told me his included a gold buggy cart but clearly not enough because I couldn't help but laugh a little.

I was just about to tell him mine when a few other guys came in. I regained three of them from the winner-stays-on game and the other ones I had seen around.

"Don't let us stop you."

there was now 7 guys with Thomas included around the island but I was in the mood for telling these guys a scary story so I told them about the time I was made to be captured by this gang and held captive for five days.

My father wanted information of the leader of the gang so I went to their neighbourhood in the sluttiest outfit possible and not even 10 minutes after I had stepped onto the street a car had pulled up next to me and some idiots bound and dragged me into the car.

They took me to this run down house and tried to rape me like the little fuckers they were but once I had 'accidentally' told them I was the daughter of the American mafia, they tied me to this pole in the basement.

They tortured me for information and whilst they thought they were getting stuff out of me, I was taking information about them without them even realising it.

It didn't take much to do it either all it took was for me too listen. Whilst they hit and cut me, they spoke to me but also to each other about things they didn't think I would pick up on but I did.

By the fifth day I had enough on them so even though I nearly bled out, I managed to dig deep and fight my way out of there.

I still have a scar on my thigh from it. It's a slash shape about 3 inches long.

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