16 - Fixated

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Hey guys I hope you like the chapter, I'm sorry it's been a few days this chapter was quite big for me and I wanted to make it the best it could be

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Hey guys I hope you like the chapter, I'm sorry it's been a few days this chapter was quite big for me and I wanted to make it the best it could be.

Here are some pictures for the aesthetic of the ball I was going for like a cross between the ball in TVD with klaus and people with the ball in Cinderella and a touch of modern.

Here are some pictures for the aesthetic of the ball I was going for like a cross between the ball in TVD with klaus and people with the ball in Cinderella and a touch of modern

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Leave it up to Daisy to not only be late herself, but make someone who's job requires them to be good with timing, late as well

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Leave it up to Daisy to not only be late herself, but make someone who's job requires them to be good with timing, late as well.

Me, Logan and Asher are all standing at the bottom of the stairs in tuxes, I feel like I'm about to go to fucking prom.

I've never enjoyed the stupid fucking balls I'm forced to attend every year, simply because they're not enjoyable. All they consist of is a bunch of 40 year old men, who think they're tough, talking about shit I really don't give a fuck about.

It's all business related and the whole purpose is for them to suck up to me and get in good terms with my mafia.

On top of that, I have to bring a date. It's always the same, a leggy blonde that makes me roll my eyes when she speaks and I have to deal with it for the entire night.

And it ends the same too, by 3am, she's in one of our guest beds because I refuse to take a girl to my room and fuck her, it's my room and I don't want some random slut in there.

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