Part One

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It was a brisk Autumnal wind that was bellowing through the open window of your apartment that finally roused you from your deep slumber. A grimace pulled across your features as you clumsily picked up your phone from the small table beside the bed where it was charging and saw that your alarm would sound off in a mere few minutes.There were a few moments of silence where you checked your unread notifications, thumbing through your lock screen before throwing the device down onto the warm sheets beside you and pulling yourself up from the warm comfort of your bed.

You resigned to sitting on the edge of your bed and rubbing your tired eyes for a few moments. It gave you a second to think about the type of day that you had before you. You weren't needed at your regular office job today because you had booked it off, that was all because you had an interview at another firm in the city. You were nervous about this interview because you felt like it needed to go right so that you could get away from your hellish work environment.

It wasn't like the people that you worked with wasn't nice, but your boss was a real piece of work. It was like he was always making these inappropriate little comments, and it had grown increasingly more common over these last couple of months. The moment that this job opportunity of Personal Assistant opened at Lewinski & Charles, you had jumped on the opportunity at applying, and they had eagerly responded to your interest.

The email on your phone had informed you that you were going to be having a meeting with one of the main partners named Timothy Lewinski. You had done your own research with him being such a big businessman in New York there was an abundance of information that you had found on him. He was 41 years old and born in Brooklyn, married to a woman named Leticia with two beautiful daughters who were about to go off to college themselves called Reni and Frey. Timothy was a very active philanthropist who even owned his own charity that saw to putting underprivileged kids through college.

From what you could find online, it appeared that Timothy seemed a very nice man. You hoped that kindness extended to the workplace too. All that you knew right now was that you needed to get away from your own work environment, away from how your boss Rupert Tane would practically corner you in the kitchen, almost demanding to know your plans for the weekend and how after every time you explained you were busy, he would ensure to overload you with work.

You had decided to get up early to prepare yourself; the interview wasn't going to be until later in the afternoon, which meant you had some time to yourself.

Like most days, you started with a steamy shower; however, with your morning being clear of any tasks, it meant you could take your time with taking care of your body, lathering yourself with soapy suds and thoroughly cleansing yourself from any sleep that clung to your form. As you wrapped yourself in a towel, you entered the small kitchen area of your apartment, popping some bread into the toaster and waiting patiently whilst you scrolled through your phone to see some messages from your friends and your mother.

With a soft sigh, you placed down the device on the side and buttered your toast, applying a healthy amount of jam and then wandering to sit on your comfy little loveseat in the corner of your apartment. Sometimes you wondered why you even purchased a TV because you were so much more interested in the outside world that passed by your big bay window - in the whole of our rundown apartment, that was one of the things that you loved the most.

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