Part 12

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Over the next few days, you found that the three of you were practically inseparable. Still, you felt more comfortable slept in the guest bedroom each night, but it was really the only time that you found some space from them. Sometimes during the day one of them would breakaway for an hour or so to oversee some business, you never asked and they never told, it seemed like a little bit of an unspoken rule, they wanted to keep you as far from their business-life as they could muster.

In these short days you discovered how truly loving that they both were. Rarely a moment passed when one of them wasn't touching you, caressing you, kissing you, or that they weren't doing anything like that to each other. Each time that they would kiss you would find yourself completely enamoured with each other, at first you thought you might be jealous of watching them interact so romantically with each other, but that wasn't even an emotion that came into your conscious. It made your heart race each time you saw their lips brush against one another, chuckling before their tongues tangled, huffing and groaning at just the presence of one another.

The only time that you seemed to have a break from their love was when you were in public, there they were a little more subtle about their affections. When they had invited you out for brunch one morning you were completely ecstatic, sipping on mimosas' whilst listening to the two of them chatter happily, not talking about work, but mentioning their friends or family as they referred to them. "You're being quiet, bunny." Steve observed, quirking a brow softly in your direction. "I'm just quietly observing." You answered, giggling softly and shuffling in your seat.

"Quietly observing." Bucky smirked, placing down the champagne flute and leaning over to rub his hand over your knee. "Do you feel comfortable, doll?" He asked, they had questioned that a lot over the past few days, along with whether you were happy, or you felt safe. You supposed that you had been a little quiet, trying to figure out where you fit in, or perhaps what your role was within the relationship. You were sure those question would be answered with time, right now you just needed to enjoy these first few weeks that were always filled with such love and romance. "You know, I start my new job next week." You announced, attempting at making conversation. "I'm a little nervous, honestly."

Reaching across Steve placed his hand over your own, smiling in such a comforting away before saying. "You don't need to be nervous, you're gonna do great." He promised, gifting you a soft wink. "Timmy is a pretty good guy, I'm sure he isn't going to make things too difficult in your first week." Bucky quipped making you smile whilst shaking your head. "You know, I get the feeling that he wouldn't like being called Timmy..." Simply in response Bucky shrugged, flagging down a waitress and ordering another three drinks and turning his attention back to you. "Maybe we could carpool, it's the same building, right?"

"That's a cute idea." Steve hummed, chewing on a chunk of melon before looking over at Bucky. "We've never carpooled, Bucky was always up too early." Then gifting him a pointed look that left the brunette rolling his eyes. "I guess you'll just have two choices of what time you wanna drive to work. Either on time with me, or late with Steve." It was becoming clear that this was a point of contention to them. "Maybe I'll just walk..." You muttered jokingly, accepting the glass from the waitress and taking a big swig.

Steve simply smirked and then noted. "Oh, I got a message from Clint as a reminder for the Gala next week." He looked at Bucky pointedly. "Maybe that is something we could do together?" He offered, then looking towards you. "What do you say, bunny? Would you want to attend a charity gala with us? We'd finally get the chance to show you off, I know that Kate and Yelena are dying to meet you." "I-I don't think I have anything to wear."

A hearty chuckle came from Bucky, quirking as he asked. "Then why don't we get you something nice to wear?" You quirked a brow as you looked towards Bucky. "We live in one of the fashion capitals of the world, you don't think we'll be able to find you something fantastic to wear?" He smirked then before looking towards Steve. "Plus, you'll find that Steve here isn't that open to high-end fashion, it's usually a sweater, or a simple suit and tie from him."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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