Part Two

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It had felt like the interview with Timothy had gone exceptionally well. You had expected to hear from the company soon after, but a slow week under Rupert drew by. It was beginning to feel like maybe they weren't as interested as they had previously let on. Deep down, you knew that you couldn't dwell on them not contacting you and instead, you needed to just continue life until you heard the outcome from them.

Feeling unusually energetic on Saturday morning, you decided to make the most of your restless behaviour and head out for an early morning run around Prospect Park. The nippy Autumn air was biting at the tip of your nose and your cheekbones as you jogged around the park, only to have yourself come to a sudden halt as a large dog bolted across your path. "Oh, jeez..." You laughed softly; hands placed on hips as you sucked back deep breaths into your burning lungs.

"I'm sorry about him..." A familiar voice called, glancing over your shoulder and trying to hide the look of surprise on your face. It was the handsome blonde from the station attaching a lead to his dog's collar, turning his gaze up from the lively hound to meet your own. "It's you..." He commented with a surprised smile, pointing a finger in your direction and approaching you slowly. "It's me..." You grinned tenderly in response and crossed your arms over your chest. "Steve, right?"

It was difficult to ignore the way that Steve was watching you, those glorious eyes trailing across your frame, taking note of the way that your leggings hugged at your waist and hips. A smile tugged at your lips as you commented quietly. "Small world, huh?" Lifting your brows at him before your eyes flickered down to the dog that was sitting obediently by his flank. "Who's this?" You asked, squatting down to allow the dog to approach and stroking his head and chest as he eagerly did.

"His name is Sarge." The blonde informed you, smirking as he watched his dutiful German Shepard go stupid over the affection that you were gifting it. "As you can see, he's a vicious guard dog..." As if on cue, the dog flopped down to the ground and rolled over to expose his belly to you. A surprised laugh found your throat as you rubbed his stomach lovingly and turned your regard back up to Steve. "He seems ferocious." To which Steve just grinned in response.

From here, Steve could allow himself to truly appreciate your features, the curve of your rear, the dips and the swell of your breasts covered by a form-hugging running jersey. "So, do you run here often?" It didn't feel like often enough that Steve found himself in Brooklyn anymore, but he would come here a lot whilst growing up. It was nice to return and think about the memories. "Oh, only on weekends when I can force myself to get up before noon." You laughed up at him before raising back to your feet, dusting down your leggings in a smooth movement.

"Is it too intrusive to ask if you ditch that guy who was giving you trouble?" Steve questioned then, remembering the trouble you had been having when first meeting in the station. It was a surprise to you that he had remembered that, honestly it had been a surprise that he had remembered you at all. "I'm dealing with it as best I can." You explained, which was truthful, cutting off Oliver was going to be more difficult than you were anticipating, but you knew that Steve had been right because you did deserve better.

Another voice came from behind you then. "Here you go, pal..." Another flicker of shock crossed your face as the brunette from the Lewinski and Charles building was heading in your direction with two coffee cups in hand. His eyes caught yours for a moment and a bright smile found his lips. "Oh, hey there, Bambi..." Bucky commented, clearly teasing you about your clumsy nature from your first meeting. "Did his dog there trip you up, or something? I keep telling Steve he's gotta keep that menace on a leash." He asked casually, sipping as he coffee as he stood beside Steve.

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