Part Five

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Early mornings often meant that Steve would wake up alone. Most of his jobs relied on the discrete darkness of night and that led him to go to bed late. Not this morning. No, as he stirred, Steve glanced up to observe that Bucky was lounging beside him, sheets slipped down his body, the soft glow of the morning sun sweeping over the exposed flesh of his chest. "Morning~" Steve hummed.

Bright eyes flickered away from his phone as a smile graced his features. "Morning." Bucky replied quietly, brushing calloused fingers through Steve's messy morning hair. "What're you still doing home, Buck?" Confusion in his tone.

"Just got a lot on my mind." It was the simplest answer. Since dropping you off home after work last week, you had been fresh in Bucky's mind, unable to stop thinking about you. Bucky was wondering if there were any more obstacles in your life that you needed help with or if you were eating enough, drinking enough, getting the correct amount of sleep. How was he supposed to know that you were well if he had such limited contact with you?

It was like Steve sensed this anxiety within Bucky and asked. "You thinking 'bout her?" Eyes drifting down to the phone that sat between them now, your photo still prominent on the screen. "I have been thinking too, Buck." He spoke slowly, their eyes met, sharing a look, a whole conversation without uttering a word. "Did you ever think that you might want something... more?"

"It, uh... it wasn't my intentions." There was an honesty to Steve's tone. "But... it just feels a little different now, Buck." He decided with a tender shrug of his shoulder. The two of them gazed into each other's eyes, deep and alluring. Bucky drifted his thumb across Steve's cheekbone. "What if... what if it isn't just about getting her into bed anymore? Do you think... could it work trying for something more?"

A shaky breath pulled from Steve's throat as he rolled onto his back, gazing towards the ceiling. "I love you, Buck." There was a certainty to his tone. "I know that. I've known that since the moment that I met you." Tilting his head to watch Bucky grinning down at him. "And I never thought I'd feel that draw to someone else ever, but... but I think I do... it's just different this time 'cause she's different. You know?" Slowly he nodded, understanding exactly what Steve was telling him. "Do you think bringing someone else into our relationship could hurt it?"

"I don't know," Bucky admitted with a head shake. "I know that it feels like she's filling up this little hole we didn't know existed..." Slowly he began to rub his hand across Steve's chest, making the burly man emit a low rumble. "It's a lot to think about and... and it might be too much for her but..." They locked eyes again, sharing that look. "If you wanna keep thinking about opening up for her, then so do I." Cupping his jawline whilst leaning down to connect their lips together hungrily. "I love you."

It had been a few days since you had heard from Steve or Bucky, only sharing a few passing messages with them

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It had been a few days since you had heard from Steve or Bucky, only sharing a few passing messages with them. It didn't bother you too bad as you had been exceptionally busy. It felt like Rupert had ramped up your workload severely; he could get you to do just about anything with the threat of your job looming in the balance.

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