Living on your own in Brooklyn isn't an easy thing. Your work life is awful and your ex-boyfriend is a complete mess. When you get caught in the sights of two of the most dangerous men in New York life doesn't get any easier, but it certainly does...
An incessant buzzing pulls you from the depths of your slumber. Tips reaching out for your phone to slip it from the coffee table and hit answer, your voice nothing more than a sleepy mutter. "Hello?" A deep chuckle rumbled down the speaker and instantly, your eyes shot open. "Did I wake you, honey?"
Your body bolted upright and immediately, you felt more awake than you had moments ago. "Steve?" Then an apologetic whimper. There was this feeling of embarrassment that surrounded you. The last thing that you wanted to do was seem like someone that just slept in all day. Of course, you had been napping all day, but usually, your day was packed with running errands, writing and doing your job. "Oh, no... No, you didn't wake me. I was just watching TV." You found yourself cringing at the stressed edge to your voice.
"That's good then. I wouldn't want to interrupt your precious rest." A warming feeling filled your chest as a tiny smile tugged at your lips. "I know I left it a little late to ask, but you busy tonight?" A breath hitched in your throat. "Was hoping that we could go on that date that your friend promised I could take you on..." The memory of Wanda hastily agreeing to let Steve take you out on a date flashed into the back of your mind.
"A date?" Was it right to go out on a date with Steve when you had only just recently been out on one with Bucky? In the back of your mind, you could hear Wanda reminding you to have fun and get back in the dating game... it felt different because these guys clearly knew each other; that much was evident after you had bumped into them in the park. "You still there?"
"I'm here..." You announced softly, gnawing on your lower lip as you had this internal argument with yourself. There wouldn't really be any harm. It wasn't like you were exclusive with Bucky and the two of you had only shared a kiss... a nice, passionate kiss that you'd craved to continue. Focus. "I'd love to go out with you, Steve. What did you have in mind?"
A hearty chuckle came from Steve in response. "Well, that's a surprise for now, sweetheart." The names rolled with such ease off his tongue. It had been so difficult to get Oliver to want to go out on any dates and usually, you were just left to plan them and surprise him. With both Steve and Bucky, they had been very deliberate in planning and organising them. "I'll pick you up at 7?"
It was certainly an understatement to say that Oliver's ego had been severely bruised after his altercation with Bucky. The fact that he had decided to key his very expensive-looking car wasn't particularly a bright one, but it felt right at the time, even if it did leave him feeling paranoid in his own home.
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Those following nights, Oliver had thought about calling those Detectives again, but he was reminded that they weren't particularly helpful the first time and had implied that they needed hard proof. All there was proof of right now was that Oliver had caused significant damage to Bucky's vehicle. It certainly wasn't going to do him any favours involving them or get you back by his side.