Part Eight

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It would've been nice to say that work calmed down and that you got a little of your life back... Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Rupert needed you in the office every waking minute to be dealing with some mundane problem. Oh no, the printer was busted; come fix it. The network is far too slow. You need to reprint these chapters because the pages are crumpled. Word this email correctly. Call these people. Go get him lunch. Do this. Do that.

It was exhausting and bordering on humiliating, considering some of the tasks he asked you to do. It wasn't like you weren't looking for jobs, all whilst dealing with this horror. Timothy Lewinski hadn't contacted you and no other options had even made themselves available.

Not to mention that your social life had utterly plummeted. The only human contact you had recently was the delivery guy when you'd order late-night meals. The notifications on your phone were mounting up all from the likes of Wanda, Bucky and Steve. It left you feeling guilty that you weren't getting back to them, but it just felt like you didn't have a spare moment in your day to get back to them.

It had been another long day at the office. Today had been terrible; the printer had broken again, spitting out glugs of ink that you had tried to stop futilely with your hands. It had left you with splotchy patches of ink staining your hands and the simple blouse you'd decided to wear.

The thought of your apartment was pleasant, and the idea of dipping into the bath and then wrapping yourself in a blanket gave you a lot of peace. Digging your hands into your purse, you approached your apartment building before coming to a halt as you noticed a burly form perched on your stoop. "Steve?" Your voice was quaint, clearly surprised to see him occupying the space.

"Hey..." Hastily he tucked his phone away and stood up, brushing down his jeans. "Hey, uh... I hate showing up unexpected, but..." He shook his head. "I was getting really worried about you." There was such an honest vulnerability in his tone that it made a ball of guilt form in your throat. "Just wanted to see you so that I could make sure that you were safe." His eyes cast down your frame, truly appreciating every inch of your exhausted body and gazing into your eyes again.

Swallowing down that ball of guilt, you told Steve. "I'm sorry..." Your voice shook unexpectedly. "I'm sorry if you think I've been avoiding you. I haven't." Then holding up your ink ridden hands, you continued. "Work has been..." Then your voice broke away and your eyes welled up, unsure where this build-up of emotion had come from. "Oh, honey..." He whispered, darting across and tugging you into a deep hug.

It was that hug that finally sent you over the edge. These tears trailed down your cheeks and seeped into his coat as you held yourself tight against his taut frame. "Honey... Baby..." He soothed you, one hand supporting the back of your head whilst his other hand stroked your back in slow circles. "It's okay. It's gonna be okay." He told you calmly, unsure what he was really consoling you about but knowing that you needed to hear those words.

"Let it out, bunny. It's okay." He whispered, pecking the top of your head a few times as he rubbed the back of your neck soothingly. "Baby, can we get you inside your apartment?" He asked after a few moments, tugging back away from you just slightly and seeing how you nodded into his shoulder. "Okay... come with me..." He coaxed, slipping you under his arm and leading you up the stairs into your apartment.

Steve took your coat and bag as you entered your apartment, setting them down somewhere before facing you. He dried your tears with his thumbs and smiled so sweetly at you. "Okay, baby. How about a bath?" He wondered for a moment if your apartment had a tub. "Or something like that, hmm? Then a foot rub and you can tell me all about your day if you're feeling up to it."

Sweetly you sniffled and nodded at his offer. He pressed a sweet kiss to your forehead before flitting through your apartment searching for the bathroom. He found the clean little space, nabbing a fresh towel from the display and beginning to draw a soapy escape for you to sink into. He even managed to rustle up a couple candles and light them, placing them around the tub to create a serene space.

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