Chapter 21~ Crazy

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In DADA I'm thinking about Buckbeak but I jump when I hear the doors slam and all of the windows being shut by none other but Professor Snape.

"Turn to page 394," he says coldly. I flip to page 394.


"Excuse me sir, where's Professor Lupin?" I hear Harry ask.

Of course, the boggart being a moon. Werewolves and Professor Snape being a substitute after a full moon last night. Plus the huge scar across Lupin's face. He's a werewolf.

I hear Hermione say something, perfect, just the person I need. I look at her neck and notice a gold chain. Just like I suspected, a time turner.

"Now who can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a Werewolf?" The Professor asks, I shoot my hand up and so does Hermione.

"Y/n," he calls on me.

"An Animagus is someone who can choose to turn into an animal, a werewolf has no choice," I explain.

"Correct, and I hear you're an Animagus. Is that true Y/n." Professor Snape asks and I slowly nod.

"Perhaps you can show us," he suggests.

"I'm sorry Professor but this room doesn't have enough space. You see, I'm a dragon in my Animagus form," I say explaining why I can't. He looks at me and nods changing the subject.

"The werewolf only responds to a call of its own kind," the Professor adds and I hear Draco make a howling sound.

"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy," Snape says turning around. I see a paper bird flying my way and I catch it. I unfold it and read it in my head.

Hey love, meet me at the Astronomy tower after class? I have a surprise. ~D.M. 

I smile and look at Draco who is smirking at me. I nod and focus my attention back on Professor.


I'm walking with Harry, Hermione, Ron, AND Draco. I know, shocker. They seem to be getting along quite nicely after insulting each other back and forth for three years straight. 

"Guys Draco has something planned, sleepover tonight in my room?" I suggest slightly splitting off with the trio. I see them nod and turn the other way, I feel Draco slowly hold my hand. His hands felt so cold but I found it relaxing. 

We get to the top of the astronomy tower and see blankets, pillows, snacks, books, and some nice candles all set up wonderfully.

"Draco, you did this?" I question and see him shrug smirking. I pick up and smell the candle taking my focus off of Draco. I turn around after I'm done smelling the candle and see Draco holding my favorite flowers.

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