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Star date 2264.

"Any plans for Christmas, Bones?" Asks Jim while sitting next to the doctor in the cafeteria. The other started grumbling, "I would be spending my holidays with my daughter if it weren't for this damn ship!"

"Ey! I'm working one it! Those Klingons really did a number on my poor lass" Scotty said from a few tables over. McCoy grumbled again stabbing at his food. "You'll get to see her sooner than you think, Bones" the blond said, putting a hand on the other for reassurance. Suddenly, turbulence started shaking everyone inside the ship. Yellow alert was activated and Spock's voice was heard through the communicator, "Captain, report to the bridge. I repeat, Captain, report to the bridge". Jim went to a communicator, "on our way, Kirk out". The blonde and brunette looked the other in the eye, the latter spoke first "You were saying?"

The two jumped in the turbo lift and entered the bridge. Spock gave the chair to Jim and went to his station. "Spock, report".

"It seems the ship has been dragged into an ionic storm. Our engines are still under repair from our last encounterment making exiting the storm improbable". Jim nodded, "statistics?". Spock quickly did the math, "we have 1.2675332 probability of exiting the storm". So we're going through, Jim thought.

"Mister Sulu, shields up. Lieutenant Uhura, put the ship on red alert. Spock, is there a safer route within—" he couldn't finish since Uhura's voice spoke over him, "Captain! Look ahead!"

The screen showed a glowing orange cloud-like substance, it was heading their way. "It's moving towards us Captain. It doesn't seem to be alive but the sensors can't identify it" Spock informed from his station. "Mister Sulu, steer us away"

"I can't Captain! It seems to be pulling us in''. Chekov's anxious voice said, "two minutez til impact Keptain". Bones sat on a random chair putting his seat belt on, "why is there always something?!"

"Everyone! Brace yourselves" the turbulence picked up shaking the Enterprise and soon everything was white


Stardate 2290.

The Captain and the Commanding Officer of the Enterprise were enjoying a game of chess in their room. Spock had finished making his move and studied the board. He turned to the blonde with little graying hair, "if you move this piece here, you'll get a checkmate Jim". "Oh you're right" was what he said before moving his piece—not to the spot Spock told him would lead to victory— and the game went on.

The bridge was quiet. The Chief of Engineer—Scotty—was to fill the captain's chair at the time. They had just departed Vulcan to inform of Sybok's death and were now once again traveling in uncharted space.

Shift change was to take place in 15 minutes so the crew was disinterested and mostly hoping to get to bed or get some food in their system soon. Then suddenly the sensors started detecting an anomaly. Up ahead a yellow glow started to form. "What's happening ladie?" Scotty asked nobody in specific. "Zenserz can't identify it, Zir'' said Chekov. Uhura spoke from her station, "Sir, something seems to be leaving the anomaly."  "Leav—?"

Soon a starship emerged and the anomaly was out of sight, almost like it never happened. "Mister Chekov, can we get a closer look at the ship?" The man nodded and did as told. Once the name of the ship was in view gasps and murmurs emerged. "T-thaz impozible" Chevok said. Scotty took out his communicator and opened the frequency shared with the captain. "Captain, yer gonna want to be here".

Jim and Spock stopped their game and looked the other in the eye before Jim picked up his communicator. "Is something wrong Scotty?". "Ye have to see this with yer own eyes". "We'll be on our way Mister Scott" answered Spock and the two left towards the bridge.

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