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"Father and aunt Uhura used to date? I find that thought.... discomforting. Does Dad know?"

Kirk looked up and saw the same boys from earlier. Then it hit him. Wait, Father? Dad?!

David dragged a chair over while Sitak sat in the seat previously taken by KirkP and joined the table. Saavik raised a pointed brow, "I certainly don't remember father having a romantic relationship with the Lieutenant". Half of their travelers blinked. They hadn't known she was Spock's daughter. Bones still couldn't believe it. SpockP was once again trying to deny such a relationship when he was interrupted again. "You're saying it happened before you?" "No—"
Soon the two siblings were immersed in their own conversation ignoring the two adults in question trying to explain. SpockP released a sigh. Although both his children had strong Vulcan biology, they were still raised in the Enterprise surrounded by humans and acted as such at times.

Kirk tried to bring SpockP's attention to himself. "Wait wait Wait! He's your kid? I thought he was human because.. well... you know. No pointed brows" the blonde put his fingers downwards on his face imitating the shape of a Vulcan brow. "Or ears" added Bones while looking at the boy. The boy in question stopped his loud conversation with his sister to turn to them with the same look Spock gives them when they're being annoying. "My other parent is human, making me ⅓ Vulcan, so not looking full Vulcan can be expected. Although that isn't for certain. I am the child of the only half human half Vulcan alive. AND I do have Vulcan ears which I like very much thank you" Sitak said the last part with sass as he moved his hair from the ear closest to them before turning back to his sister. The Captain and medical officer turned to the other, both with almost comical wide eyes.

The younger Spock stayed with a neutral look but he had many thoughts running in his mind. He was thinking about the boy, Sitak. He could never misplace those eyes, they were the same as his Captain's. However, the child was supposedly his counterpart's. There was a very very small part of him telling him about what this could mean but he didn't dare allow himself the human trait to hope.

Eventually SpockP had to stop the siblings, "Saavik, Sitak, you are making incorrect assumptions. Lieutenant Uhura and I have never engaged in such a relationship". That seemed to calm the two. "There was once a time I had a crush on the commander but then again I wasn't the only one" said UhuraP with a small smile now that she was able to speak. This perked up the curiosity of a few, such as Jim, Sitak and Sulu. Sulu simply for the gossip. Just who could Spock have married? "Apart from Dad?" The curious few turned to the older Vulcan however SpockP obviously didn't want to talk about this and turned his attention back to his lute. UhuraP let a playful laugh out, "You think your Dad was the only one with eyes?"
"Oh come on Uhura, nobody wants to listen about the hobgoblin's love life". McCoyP exasperated from his seat. He just wanted a peaceful meal. UhuraP was telling the doctor not to be such a buzzkill when BonesP noticed the box David was holding. "What you got there in that box, David?" Almost immediately both boys tensed. "Boys?"

"That is actually what we came to talk to you about ''. Frowning, McCoyP grabbed the box with puncture holes from his son's hands and opened it. Soon small little balls of fur tried to climb out. "Tribbles" whispered SpockP and immediately whipped his head towards his son besides him with a pointed brow raised.

"How did you boys manage to bring so many tribbles aboard?!" The doctor asked while watching them break free from the box. There were a total of eleven tribbles. David tried to put them back in the box and counted them. "...eight, nine... ten? Eleven?! There's eleven of them now!" Sitak turned to SpockP, "Father, we only brought one aboard. We have no clue how the others arrived". The boy looked like a regular kid would once he was in trouble, which surprised the visiting crew (apart from Spock) since they didn't really know how Vulcan children acted. SpockP held no anger. He simply asked, "have you fed it often?"

David nodded. BonesP sighed, "Do you know what you get if you feed a tribble too much?" Both boys thought it was an odd question. "A fat tribble?" Asked Sitak completely serious in his answer. The old doctor sighed, "you're just like your dad sometimes". "Well what does happen if you feed a tribble too much?" Asked David with a tribble climbing up his arm. "They multiply"

That made sense, the boys thought.

The tribbles had once again freed themselves from the box and went around the table the crew was dining in. A few helped themselves to the mostly abandoned food and others went towards a crew member. Both Uhura's held a tribble, admiring its fluffy being, Jim tried his best not to gush over the sight of a big fluffy tribble purring away in Spock's arm, Both Scotty's kept eating their food and observed. The youngest Russian looked at them with adoration while the eldest Russian looked offended as one helped itself to his dinner. Sulu was petting two and Jaylah held a hand out to stop two tribbles from getting to her food, McCoyP sighed as one was laying on his plate. The youngest doctor didn't really mind the tribbles so he was gently petting one until it ran off to Spock's side making him bitter. Who knew tribbles liked vulcans?

The boys started trying to get the tribbles back inside the box when McCoyP burst out laughing. They looked at him curiously and once he settled down a bit, the country doctor spoke with glee, "Just pictured Jim's face when he sees these little guys!" Smiles on everybody's faces broke when the old memory of the Captain being buried under the fluffy creatures came to mind. "What's with that? I'm not afraid of tribbles" the young Captain said from his seat not liking their amused looks.
SpockP stood grabbing the box of tribbles while Sitak held the last one outside the box. "Perhaps it's for the best that the Captain does not know about this—". "What shouldn't I know about?" JimP approached the table with his signature smile. Almost comically both father and son turned to face the Captain and hid the tribbles behind their backs as if the were doing the usual Vulcan stance, only to look at the blonde with thin lips. The table behind them tried to play it cool just to see how it was going to play out.

The oldest Captain raised a brow at the lack of response. The two Vulcans slowly started moving around the man still facing him and keeping the tribbles out of his sight until they were walking backwards onto the lift, never breaking eye contact. Soon the lift's door shut and JimP turned to the table however they simply laughed to themselves. "Alright then?" KirkP sat down again and took notice that it appeared as if someone had eaten out of his tray but decided not to bring it up. The table had silently decided not to mention the tribbles for the rest of the dinner.

Light conversation took over. Eventually David's curiosity got the best of him. "Hey, Dad?"
"What?" As soon as McCoyP had answered the child the younger crew almost got whiplash at how fast they turned to look at the two.
David looked back at them curiously, "who are they?"
The elder crew looked at one another, they had yet to decide how to go about the situation without drawing too much attention. That would certainly come from telling the child 'hey this your dad and his friends 30 years younger'. Spock took the initiative. "Our ship is in need of repairs and we are to stay under your care until the Enterprise can take us to the nearest federation station". The boy nodded, not really giving much attention since he deemed it boring.
"On another note—" Jim butted in, "you have a son, Bones?!" The older man gave a smile at the thought of his family, "Yep. Got three girls, a boy, and a beautiful wife." Kirk leaned over to Bones and whispered "get it, Bones" only to receive a jab on the ribs.

"Alright crew—and visitors— this is just the usual. Explore the area and try not to interfere with any life down there". The landing party consisted of both Kirks, both McCoys, both Spocks, Sulu, Checkov, and two guards. The others were in their respected positions in their own vessel.

"I do not think this is necessary, Jim. Vulcans adapt to weather better than humans" SpockP said, making Jim and Bones turn to look at them while they were getting ready to step towards the transporter. "It's like 16 degrees (-8 ish in Celsius) down there, don't fight me on this Spock." When the two turned they saw KirkP adjusting a beanie on SpockP's head. It seemed oddly domestic. "Is it me, or are those two real close?" McCoy turned to his friend only to see Jim staring with glazed eyes. Bones gave his friend a sympathetic glance before pulling him towards the transporter. "Oh. Spock catch" JimP turned towards the younger Spock. He had thrown a beanie. "Got one for you too". The Vulcan gave a curt nod. Once all were in position both Kirks said, "energize". Habit of course.

Hey guys! Been a while

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