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Snow-covered their surroundings and wind whistled at their ears once on the planet. "What a joyful day" McCoyP commented while hugging himself. "Why am I here if you have this guy" the older doctor pointed at his counterpart. The younger one made a face, "Hey I got dragged here too and I'm not gonna be in charge of two Jim Kirks by myself". The two blondes turned to give him a look, which he ignored, and McCoyP only nodded and said 'fair'. 
The landing party went about exploring in what seemed to be a frozen wasteland. "Captain, the scanner detects a form of life," SpockP said from his area, KirkP walked over to take a look.

'Isn't he too close?' Kirk thought to himself when he looked over, 'do I stand that close to Spock?'

"From where, MrSpock?" The Captain asked. "From this" KirkP blinked and looked at SpockP. "That's an ice cube. Could the device be broken? Wait, how is there a perfectly cube-shaped—" just as the blonde poked the cube it jolted, making the blonde jerk his face away and the Vulcan to raise a protective arm in front of the said blonde. Suddenly several ice cubes, which they hadn't known were there, shook. They started gathering into a pile in front of the two. Phasers were raised and directed at the mobile ice. As ridiculous of a sight it was.

The crew was huddled around the pile. Tiny bug-like ice limbs emerged from the cube-like beings as they shifted, they were curled up previously. They seemed harmless. Just like regular insects... that were made of ice. There were no claws in sight. No growl or bone melting saliva unlike Jim had feared. Cold planets weren't the best memories he has.
The creatures scattered around them. Making holes into the snow and hiding from them. SpockP took out a clear specimen box and threaded his hand into the snow following the route one of the creatures left. Once he found what he wanted, he pulled out one of the ice creatures. He set it inside the box, in which it curled up into an ice cube once again, then turned to the scouting party. "Well there's life alright" Sulu commented while looking at the creature in the specimen box.  

They continued to explore the surface of the planet for an hour without any casualties. Whether it was due to the fact that it was too calm or simply the temptation of so much snow, James T KirkP just couldn't help himself. He grabbed a handful of snow and started to roll it in his hands. He made eye contact with his victim. The doctor's eyes grew wide, "Don't you dare Ji–". The captain threw a snowball at the eldest doctor's face. The majority of the crew burst into laughter as McCoyP slowly swiped off the snow from his face unamused. "You know, I just got a great idea" KirkP stated while smiling and drinking in their surroundings.


"So there's kids now?" the young captain asked while staring as groups of children beamed down with what he could guess were their teachers. They had previously been in class. "Aye, the ship became a one to house the crew's family, limited to spouses and children of course. She can't house more than that" ScottyP grinned as he saw the children stare in wonder at the white snow, you don't see much of it in space. Earlier, after finding out the planet appeared to be non-hazardous, JimP requested for a short leave. Do to it being the holidays and there being no pressing matters —to their knowledge—-, starfleet approved. The young blonde turned to face his best friend/doctor only to find him looking old and bitter. "Cheer up! Bones. You should be relaxing". Those baby blues glared at the blonde. "Relax?! My idea of relaxing is bathing under a warm sun drinking a georgia-style mint julep, not waiting to get hypothermia on a foreign planet" the doctor growled out through rattling teeth. "Hello" a young non timid yet unaggressive  voice called from behind the pair. Electric blues met another, practically identical, pair. Sitak, Kirk's brain supplied. It seems the kids were now allowed to wonder and once Sitak saw the two guests, he made a beeline towards them. "I would once again like to apologize for my hostile behavior towards you two" the boy said with a slight head bow. "Never thought I'd see the day, a Vulcan apologizing with no backhand comment" the doctor murmured only for the blonde to elbow him, which didn't do much due to the bulky winter clothes. "You're good, kid!" he grinned at the kid. Said kid gave a nod and remained silent. Looked at him, really looked at him. The kid's brows furrowed and soon shook his head, clearly dropping whatever thoughts his brain was starting to form. "Sitak!" the three turned to whom yelled the boy's name. It was the older Captain located a good distance away, with McCoyP and David, rolling up a growing snowball. "Come! We're making a snowman!" he beckoned the boy over cheerfully. The young vulcan nodded at them as dismissal and headed to the other three. 

It wasn't just those four that were enjoying the snow. People were making snow figures, snow angels, and forts. Jim looked around for his crew. Uhura was making snow angels with Chekov and Jaylah while Spock questioned their desire to throw themselves on the cold ground. Sulu was talking to Saavik on the side lines, who knew about what. Scotty —after being ordered to take a break— was talking to his older-alternative self and with the glint in their eyes, it was safe to say they were discussing ships or ship related topics. This was a good distraction from their current situation. Mischief shone in his eye as he crept down and obtained a handful of snow. Once he got it into a decent shape, he launched it. The snowball came in contact with the unsuspecting back of KirkP. Said man slowly stepped away from the snowman family they were building and turned around with wide eyes filled with disbelief. Both blondes made eye contact and suddenly rushed for more snow. Eventually a full on snowball fight broke out. SpockP, who had previously just been scanning their surroundings more, stood outside of the war zone with his younger version and watched the others. Poor Chekov was pelted with snow, being he was the youngest of both crews —minus the children of course— and so, picked on. JimP caught sight of SpockP and gave the man a playful grin before he threw a snowball at his face, and what he did wasn't what surprised the younger counterparts, it was SpockP's reaction that made everyone question if they ate something funny. The oldest vulcan smiled. A small smile, but one that showed a tease of those frontal teeth. The smile was gone as soon as it came and the man pushed the snow off his face. McCoy leaned towards JIm and whispered, "You saw that too right?" When he nodded, the doctor took a deep breath. "Good god, the world is ending". WHen he glanced at Spock he saw him looking downwards with a slight pinch of his eyebrows. Lost in thought he realized.


A few hours in the cold later, and a look at bright green tinted cheeks, the older captain decided to go back on the ship. "Come on, we'll have some cocoa back on the ship" JimP told Sitak while squeezing his face lightly, they still had that child elasticity to it. "With marshmelons?" The boy's voice was neutral but his eyes could not hide his excitement. A fond smile took over his face and looked at the kid, "wouldn't be a good cup of cocoa without it". The younger captain and doctor happened to be within hearing range, "marshmelons?"

The boy was feeling uneasy about not being able to hear the young guests' mind but he answered when he realized he could hear the brunette-haired guest's. 'What on earth is a marshmelon?' the doctor asked himself unaware someone could hear his question. "A marshmelon is a terran confection consisting of sugar and egg whites" Sitak answered like it was a solid fact and pulled out a pad displaying an image of said confection. Bones blinked. "Kid, that's a mar—" quickly the older captain covered the young doctor's mouth, "A marshmelon, we know", he gave the doctor a look. At some point Spock had joined the group heading towards the ship's coordinates. "I am a certain degree of puzzlement. I do not see any physical resemblance between the small confection and any melon I am familiar with" the vulcan stated while looking at the image Sitak had pulled up. KirkP tried to suppress his usual mischievous smile. "Well our Spock was too. Bones and I were more than happy to inform you that it's because they resemble a southern swamp grown melon called marsh melon". Both the younger captain and doctor looked at each other, now they understood. "And Bones even shared the fact his grandfather used to grow whole fields of them". Spock turned to the doctor and Jim could see the curiosity in his eyes. Bones was definitely doing to be the subject of Spock's new found interest for these marsh melons. Kirk tried to suppress his smile. "Alright, let's keep moving". 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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