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(TOS characters will now be JimP, BonesP, SpockP, etc)

Stardate 2290.

"Status report" Captain Kirk said while holding his head trying to dull the pain caused from the impact. "All decks appear functional. Status in engineering is the same as before the anomaly reached us, Captain".

"Captain! There is a federation ship in front of us" Uhura informed.

Jim looked up and sure enough there was another vessel. "They're trying to communicate with us".

Jim was about to order Uhura to open the frequency when Spock spoke, "Captain, look at the name on the ship". The blonde was surprised to see the words U.S.S Enterprise. "What the hell?" Came McCoy's voice from behind Jim and the man couldn't agree more.

"What should we do, Captain?" Sulu turned to the blonde. "Uhura, open the communication channel. I want to see what situation we're in". Nyota did as told and soon an image for an older looking James Kirk appeared on the screen.

"This is Captain James T Kirk of the USS Enterprise, please, identify yourselves". The crew looked at each other. Jim spoke, "I find that hard to believe, since I am Captain James T Kirk".

They stayed silent before KirkP asked, "How is it that your vessel ended up here? Could be perhaps the anomaly? Perhaps that would explain how you ended up here and at this time". Jim frowned, "where exactly is here? What do you mean time?"

SpockP neared the screen and answered, "We're currently in uncharted space. The current Star date is 2290.... Captain".

Jim let out a small forced laugh, "that's not possible". Spock turned to the blonde, "actually Captain. The possibility for such a phenomenon is not that improbable". Bones joined in, "we have always seen weird things in space".

JimP spoke up, "it seems your vessel is in need of repairs. Please come aboard our ship to discuss what has happened and we'll send mister Scott aboard yours to help repair the engine". Jim nodded and soon the communication ended. "Bones, Spock, you're with me. Sulu, you're in command. Uhura, if we don't report to you in two hours something's gone wrong". The trio then entered the turbo lift and went towards the transporter.

The trio stepped out on the transporter only to enter one that looked close to their own, however, it seemed... modernized.

Waiting for them were KirkP, SpockP, and ScottP. "Ey. They look exactly as ya did 'bout thirty years ago" Scotty said smiling at the three before getting on the transporter and being energized aboard the other vessel.

JimP smiled at the trio, "welcome aboard."

The group went to a conference room. Bones spoke first, "can someone tell me what the hell is going on here?" SpockP raised an eyebrow and answered, "it appears you and your ship have traveled to our present, that being your probable future".

"You said this was the year 2290?" The younger blonde asked. "That's correct. When are you from?" Said JimP joining in on the conversation. "Well last I knew we were still in 2264 near Christmas on our way to Earth with two almost dead engines" grumbled Bones.

JimP and SpockP looked at each other, that never happened. Spock took notice of their silent communication and started to wonder, "could it be we're from alternative realities?". The other Spock nodded. "Admiral Christopher Pike was still in command of the Enterprise in 2264. To my knowledge, Captain Kirk was still a star fleet professor at the time until the following year when he took command of his first Star ship". JimP nodded in confirmation.

Kirk looked at them wide-eyed, "I- I- uh- I took command in 2258. We-uh- had special circumstances at the time". Unnoticed by everyone except Jim, Spock tensed at the memory of Nero. The young Captain set his hand on the vulcan's shoulders as comfort". The elder two frowned in confusion. McCoy jumped in, "so it seems we're from alternate realities, okay, how do we get back to our own?"

KirkP turned to SpockP, "Mister Spock?"

"We'll first have to find out what brought you here. I'll have a group of researchers assigned to this, I will join them and inform you of our findings. Till then I'd say to 'hold tight' doctor" the Vulcan information making Bones groan in annoyance. He just wanted to be home with his daughter.

They all stood ready to leave, "If you find out anything about our current situation, report back to us. You can go back to your vessel or stay here. Now if you'll excuse us, I'm sure Bones will be glad to hear about this" KirkP said with a playful smile before leaving with SpockP alongside him. The doctor glared at the older man's way but remained silent.

Soon it was just the younger trio in the room. Spock broke the silence, "There's a possibility this is the reality my counterpart originated from".

"Spock Prime? Maybe... we still can't be fully sure though Spock" the blonde said. "The possibility is still there. He is younger than how we met him however". The vulcan said while holding eye contact with the captain.

Bones pushed through the small huddle the other two had formed unconsciously— making him seem like a third wheel— and yawned. "Well I'm beat. I'll see you in six hours". He left the two idiots to fair for themselves. "Right— I'll uh, I'll go explore the ship, see what's new" Kirk said while nervously picking at the back of his neck. "I'll see if my counterpart needs my assistance, goodnight Captain".

"Don't forget to sleep, Spock". The Vucan turned to him, "I am Vulcan, Jim. We don't require as much sleep as humans, farewell", then he walked off. 

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