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The young blonde went around the ship. New decks had been added, one being specifically filled with what appeared to be classrooms. Although he wasn't one to stay on the down low, he managed to not cause a disturbance and mostly stayed clear of the crew. Jim eventually stumbled upon the garden during his exploration. He was happy— and perhaps a bit jealous— to notice it was bigger than his ship's current garden by quite a few yards. He spent about two hours basking in the terran garden until he was up and about again.

The hallways that were mostly empty before were now filled with chatter and laughter. It must be a shift change.

Eventually hunger got the best of him and he followed the crowd, luckily, the cafeteria was in the same place it's always been. Kirk headed over to one of the empty replicators only to stop after looking for his food chip. Would mine even work on this ship? Maybe I can hack it. Just as he was thinking that, someone went to the replicator next to him. Soon a bowl of plomeek appeared.

"Hey! That's the stuff Spock eats!" The blonde said out loud by mistake. "You know the commander's tastes?" A feminine voice asked and Jim's eyes snapped up from the soup and to the soup's owner. He was met with the face of a beautiful woman with grey blue eyes and what surprised Jim most, pointed ears. Kirk stayed silent for longer than necessary. "Are you in need of assistance?" The brunette asked, raising a pointed eyebrow.

"Captain" a voice said from behind Kirk successfully snapping him out of his surprised state. When the blonde turned, SpockP and his Spock were walking towards them. "It seems you have already met my daughter. Hello Saavik".

Both 2264 travelers stiffened.

"Father, why did you refer to him as Captain? And who's that behind you?" The half Vulcan asked, her attention now on the shocked vulcan.

The eldest of them all hesitated for a second before talking, "These are guests. A situation has presented itself and it will be explained to the senior staff later today in the meeting room. You are welcome to join us once we've set a time". Without missing a beat the lieutenant nodded and made her leave towards one of the tables to have her meal. Spock's eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion, "I recall you organizing the meeting in fifteen minutes and 43 seconds from now". His counterpart nodded in formfirmation, "Yes, however, that was before noticing the young Captain's condition". Kirk too, now frowned but still wore a small smile, "What do you mean Commander?" SpockP gave Kirk a once over as if to recheck his previous findings. "It appears you have not rested since before your arrival to our vessel. My counterpart has informed me it was nighttime before your travel in time, it was morning when you arrived in our universe."

Jim started shaking his head, "No no, I'll be fine. Plus we split off about an hour ago! I'm fine, I'll just grab a cup of coffee or something". Spock got closer and cocked his head slightly to the side, "Captain, it has been exactly four hours thirty two minutes and eleven seconds since we left the conference room". He'd been gone that long?

Before Kirk could say anything else SpockP stepped back in while holding what appeared to be his lunch. "I'll reschedule the meeting for two hours from now. There are guest cabins in deck 32, choose any that fit your liking and rest— and before you interrupt captain Kirk— at least attempt to do so for the sake of your crew. You'll need all your functions at their optimum conditions to resolve this situation." and that is all the vulcan said before bidding them goodbye and walking off to eat with Saavik.

The two stood off to the side looking at SpockP and Saavik eating in silence. Jim noticed Spock was paying extra attention to the young female but had no trace of emotion on his face. "So.... you have a daughter" Oddly something tightened inside him at the thought of Spock with someone.

Spock, still staring, answered "No. He has a daughter"

"Well he's you– or you're him? Oh whatever. He's Spock and that means there's a cha—"

"Captain, it's best we retire to the guest quarters" the vulcan interrupted and walked off before Kirk could continue his sentence. "Spock! Wait up!" the blonde said and ran after his fast paced first officer. 

The pair were inside the turbolift towards deck 32. "Spock—"

"Do you hear that, captain?" Kirk stopped to hear for a second, "What am I listening to?"

"The enriching sound of silence" Spock replied while closing his eyes and a small twitch of his lip told Jim he was holding in a smirk. "Why Mister Spock, are you telling me to shut up?" he said while putting his hand to his chest in false offense. The lift's doors opened. Before stepping off, Spock turned to the blonde "Must I specify?" The other gave a bewildered look and a small laugh before stepping off as well.

Jim was going to make a sarcastic reply when a thud was heard. Spock too had stopped when another thud sounded. Another and this time they realized the sound originated from one of the vents. Kirk pulled out his phaser, which was set in stun, while Spock observed from a safe enough distance. Couple more thuds and soon a boot had kicked the vent off.

"A kid?" They both had expected a threat, however, they were met with a small boy. A boy— age between 10-13— had emerged from the vent.

Said boy started to dust himself off and another emerged from the vent. "Sitak! If your father finds us we're dead!" Spock and Jim, who put away his phaser, looked as the kids seemed to ignore their presence. One boy had black hair and the other had light brown hair.

"David, you exaggerate. There is no logical reason for my father to wish for our death". The one with black hair— Sitak— said. Something in his way of speaking reminded Jim of Spock. "You know what I mean! Last time he made us listen to his two hour lecture on the importance of a proper education and I'll be damned if—" "Hello?" Sitak interrupted David and finally addressed the other two.

Jim waved his hand weakly "hey..." Spock's eyes widened slightly when the boy turned to them. He had Kirk's electric blue eyes. The other boy had a pair of baby blues he also recognized. Could they be? He also noticed that his Captain hadn't noticed the boys' genetics yet.

Catching both captain and first officer unaware, Sitak raised a phaser at the two and stood in front of the other boy in a protective manner. "Who are you?"

Hello! Thoughts so far? 

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