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"Who are you?" Sitak said while holding the phaser at the two. The other boy visibly panicked. "What the hell are you doing?! Where did you even get a phaser?" Jim was unsure about how to go about this. It was a kid! He couldn't just stun him.

Spock walked forward, hands behind his back in his usual stance. "We are not intruders. We're merely heading towards the guest cabins as instructed by the starships' first officer".

Still holding his ground Sitak spoke, "I wasn't aware we had guests"

The boy looked at Spock intensely. If Vulcans did such things— Spock could have sworn he felt someone try to go past his mind shields. But that couldn't be could it? He wasn't in contact with anyone. Then, he noticed those electric blues on him. Could it be this child? Soon it was Spock and Sitak staring at each other, searching for something.

Quickly David stood in front of the two adults and faced his friend, "Sitak! Phaser down! Uncle Jim mentioned something about visitors to my dad earlier today". Slowly the phaser went down. Electric blue eyes faced the captain and commander then looked straight to the floor while the boy's head leaned slightly forward, "Please excuse my hostility. I was unaware of your presence here on the ship".

Now more relaxed, Kirk got closer. "It's alright kid, nobody's hurt". The boy nodded "that is fortunate". There it was again, that way of speech, it seemed too formal for a child in Kirk's opinion. He reminds me of Spock. Right as Kirk had that thought, Sitak looked at him curiously. Almost as if he had heard him.

Eventually the four went their separate ways.

"Did you notice anything about the boys, captain?" Kirk gave his science officer a confused expression, "what do you mean?" They reached some empty cabins which required no code on the door.

"Perhaps it was just my impression. Have a good rest, Captain, please do remember the meeting". Spock entered the room and quickly shut the door. Odd , Jim thought but carried on inside the room for some needed sleep. The lack of sleep was finally catching up to him.

From the other side of the deck the two boys hurried to an empty cabin.

"Are you out of your vulcan mind?!" David smacked the other boy on the head once inside.

"Ow. There is no need for such violence". Sitak rubbed his head putting his hair back in place, the smack had also showed a pointed ear of his. "Shut it. Where did you even get that?" The boy pointed to where the phaser was once again hidden in Sitak's boot.

Sitak walked towards the bed area in the room. It was a simple cabin meant for guests, the only difference in this room was the small makeshift fence around the bed and two bowls, one with food and another with water. As soon as the boy sat on the ground, little fuzz balls came towards him. "My dad gave it to me as a birthday present, it's customized".

David joined him on the floor and grabbed a beige colored tribble, "You're twelve!" The boy tried to sound more outraged but the tribble in his hands just wouldn't let him, it was just so calming. "Which is why father moderated it. Even if the level is changed, it'll only stun the victim".

"Why did you even raise it at them? That was too reckless"

"I must admit that I acted without reasoning, however, the second I couldn't read either of their thoughts brought me to a sense of alarm."

The brunette raised a brow, "YOU couldn't read their thoughts? How's that possible?" Two very human looking brows met in the middle as the boy lightly shook his head, "Only thing possible is that the Vulcan has high telepathic abilities, enough to shut me out without direct contact. As for the other... I failed to notice their presence since I couldn't hear their thoughts. However, before departing, I could hear him. Almost as if he let his guard down".

"That's.... weird". Couldn't agree more.

The two spent a few more minutes petting the adorable creatures when David spoke again. "There's two more since last time right?" There were a total of eight tribbles all different colored furs making gleeful noises around the boys. "That is correct. I fail to understand how this occurred, we only brought one aboard". Shrugging, the other held the two new members, "We already have a Darvid Jr, David the Third, James, Uhura, Sulu, and Bones. Should we name the other two Chekov and Sitak Jr?" Frowning, the other shook his head, "I do not wish to name one after myself. How about... Varek?" He said while holding a particularly fuzzy tribble. "What's that mean?"  "It means talkative".

Suddenly another tribble made itself known to the boys. It seemed to have appeared out of thin air. "I think it's time we told our dads", David said looking at the new member worriedly. We're so gonna get grounded, The lighter haired boy thought. "Perhaps" said the black haired one.

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