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Doctor McCoy was sprawled out on his bed when he heard banging on his door. "Shut it..." the man groaned out while shifting on the bed with his eyes shut. Eventually the banging ceased. Finally, the doctor thought just before his door was opened by the override code. "Damn it Jim!" Still with his eyes shut, the doctor threw his pillow at the figure at the door when the lights were turned on.

"Gotta love the privileges that come with being captain" Kirk said, referring to the override code, smiling completely ignoring the pillow thrown at him. "You better be bleeding, kid" grumbled the older of two while dragging himself off the bed. "Not this time, Bones. Come on, we have a meeting to go to".

It took a few seconds for McCoy's brain to restart and recollect the events of the previous night. "Jim, I'm a country doctor. Not a time travel agent. What do you want me there for?" He complained yet still headed towards the bathroom with a change of clothes. "Well we can't have a meeting without your cheerful self there, Bones" Kirk gave his friend a small smirk before leaving the room.

"Somebody better start talking or I'm going back to my station" grumbled McCoyP with arms crossed and leaning back on his chair with a leg vent up. Currently the room was filled with the main crew and their counterparts for the expectation of Jaylah, Saavik, and Sulu—who was now captain of the U.S.S Excelsior—. Everyone had gotten a small debrief about the situation prior to attending yet they still looked at each other in pure curiosity. By this period in time—2290—, the different color uniforms had been replaced by the red with white interior.

"Mr. Spock, any significant findings?" KirkP asked, looking at the Vulcan. "It's still unknown to us how it occurred but according to our observations, it was not of natural origins".

Kirk leaned forward in his seat "what does that mean?" The Vulcan then turned to him, "We found traces of coordinate signals mixed in the ion particles left after you and your vessel arrived. Someone opened what you could call a 'window in space' ". "For time travel?" Scotty asked. It wasn't the first he heard someone time travel but it was the first time he'd experienced it first hand. "Not particularly. From what I have gathered from my counterpart, you belong to another reality, not just a different time in space."

"Messing with time.... Now where have I heard that before?" McCoyP sighed out while leaning down his chair in newly found exhaustion.

"These are not the same circumstances, Doctor" the eldest Vulcan said while BonesP just rolled his eyes. "What do you mean 'same circumstances'?" Asked Uhura from her seat between Scotty and Sulu.

KirkP gave one of his small little smiles while leaning forward with hands in twined, "what he means is that we've had one too many experiences with time travel".

"And wee kant get them bak through zhe zame method, Zir?"

ScottyP turned to the oldest Russian, "Definitely not with the state of them engines, laddie"

"Indeed, even if they'd wish to try the light-speed breakaway factor, their vessel is in no condition to make the trek. They would be vulnerable towards the star's gravitational pull and perish, Mister Chekov". As soon as SpockP said those words, Chekov slowly raised his hand. Kirk turned to him, "Yes?, Chekov". "I- uh vote not zat method, Zir" he said, a bit nervous causing a small smile to slip in most of the crew's faces.

Kirk smiled but then turned towards his counterpart, "What do you suggest we do then?" KirkP stayed silent for a bit, trying to think of the best course of action. Unknown to all, he was currently discussing the other crew's circumstances with SpockP.

Eventually, they broke out of their conversation and turned to Kirk. "With the damages on your ship it's best to try and get the engine fixed as best as possible and then get you to the closest federation station. Even if you used the slingshot effect, there's no guarantee it'll take you back to your present and not our past. We'll have to contact StarFleet".

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