the beginning

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Before I became a millionaire I was very, very poor, My life is summed up in nothing We were so poor even to eat it was true from God. My father was a blacksmith and my mother was a mango seller. To earn their living with difficulty but loyally they brought almost nothing home, sometimes we had sleepless nights; we couldn't sleep because of hunger. I had three older brothers: Jules, Andi, praise, and I Karl and pupil, Gabriella my younger sisters and I was the 4th boy, the youngest youngest of the boys.
But parents made the effort to first give my three older brothers the chance to study. And when my brothers are done. It was me and my little sisters who have to go and study in turn. I was 11 years old when I started to study kindergarten with my little sister, the first was 9 years old and the younger 3 years old. It was only the youngest who was in her normal class; me and my little one were the subjects of teasing in class because our age did not correspond to our class.
Every day when we entered class, we were singled out by all of me and apple. She can't stand being the subject of mockery every day she was always confused but I always comfort her By saying § "it's okay a day will come"
Despite all that we do not let ourselves be defeated „in class we were among the best students in the room because we already had developed intelligence, all the teachers told us that we were special despite our age and our size. But when we got there in the middle of the year .. the school decided to transfer me to fifth grade and my little sister to third. the teachers told us that we were already very intelligent and we do not deserve kindergarten, and my little sister Gabriella stayed in kindergarten.
Over time our parents have found a better job (work). And still began to live quite well. we started to eat twice a day, we started to gain weight still looked like people who have a life.
On the other hand, my older brother Jules found a job honest enough to live on despite Andi and Praise was not stable in their work; Jules my older brother was the first to think about marriage because he had enough money to marry a woman and start thinking about the future and the children.
Little by little, but parents still bought a small red car despite it being neither new nor ugly it was our first car 🚗 and we were very happy ....
A few months passed .........
And I was in final year and my sister in fourth and my little sister in second kindergarten we were students who were always on the podium of the best students in the school, each reserved a gift from the school. And now school was over and we were on vacation, I wanted to spend my vacation doing something during the vacation unlike any other child during the vacation. I wanted to work and have some pocket money some savings and I started looking for work.
I walked in the street "my parents allowed me there to look for light work; example in a shop, retirement home ..........
I walked through the neighborhood, .. the avenue ... Nobody wanted to hire me because I was short, he said that I didn't have the strength to work .. Despite that, I didn't despair the sun went down and I came home a little sad .., My little sister Apple and Gabriella were waiting for me at the door, thinking that I was going to bring them some good news But when they saw me they have directly understood that I had not found ..
But they didn't show right away they kept smiling a little cold, when I told them that I couldn't find the job they consoled my parents too.
I was sad but not desperate.,; in the evening when I was asleep I had an idea to start babysitting or started accompanying my brother Jules ... I asked myself how I am going to do it will he accept I would be the height I fell asleep with this question in mind "how I want to do.

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