hope despite all

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We woke up very early in the morning I saw my mother in a corner crying, I approach slowly and I will be in my arms saying "we are not going to leave you alone, we are going to be with you, we are going to you support until the end. " My mother hugged me tight. My brothers entered the room to console mom, all in pain we shed a few tears. We're getting ready to go to the morgue to bury our daddy. "" It was the worst time of my life when I wanted to break the good news to Daddy !!! life and sometimes a fair one !!!! "
When they arrived at the morgue I saw the pain in everyone's eyes, I saw Daddy's body coming out of the morgue covered with a white sheet, it was difficult for everyone; Especially for my mother and my grandparents they were in tears; my brothers couldn't hold back their tears
we all were in tears.
Getting to where we were supposed to bury our daddy, it was my brothers who carried the body to where we were going to bury it, they can't really believe it myself I manage to believe it I thought I was in a dream but no it was reality.
The funeral began. I saw a lot of people. All there for Dad, saying "he was a man full of values, a friend, a brother, a father for us, we just lost someone important in our life, we will never forget you"
I saw that everyone was confused about Papa's final departure.
A pastor prayed for him that God would grant eternal life in his house. And they buried him. I can't always believe that daddy is gone. as Dad taught us to give thanks to God for all.
And we went home. It was finished .
The next day we woke up well we tried to forget about dad, but my mother was sad for him to cheer him up, I announced the good news "mama you know what I had a job !!! Where that son where Jules works my mother was super happy I'm very proud of you, daddy will be proud of you. Mum said "come here my loves even if dad is no longer there I will take care of you" my brothers said "worry mum we will all help each other because life has many victories in store for us, we saw mum smile.
" " " " " " " " Author ; sorry for not having presented or saying no to the characters: the first is Jules the second: Andi the next: it's praise 'author: Karl the little sister: gabriella and the youngest: apple »» and the mother : Angeline.

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