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When grandfather fell on the floor, we were shocked a thousand times. We lifted grandpa we rushed him to the hospital and also daddy's body, no one can cry yet even grandma she was so upset by the situation that she even manages to do shed a tear, We arrive at the hospital we take Grandpa to the emergency room and my brothers take Papa to the morgue, I saw despair in everyone's eyes. The Doctor, coming out of the emergency room, approached us and said "the situation is stable, he will be okay" I saw some tears in grandmother. This day we must give thanks to God for all. Despite the pain of my first son we will pray for him and give thanks to God for the life of grandfather. My mother says "Who in tears" Grandma says God loves us he will not let us fall in tears too ...........
We were hearing in the evening for Grandpa to come out of the hospital to come home and come back tomorrow for Daddy's funeral.
We came home. Mom was confused, the first day without my love we without our dad! ???
Grandma said come on we will give thanks for everyone, we looked alike in the living room to pray ..... we sang sang again and again we even danced because God has done us good.
My prayer this:
God of glory and grace.
That you who wanted it to happen that way.
I give you the glory.
Because without you we are nothing.
Fills us empty.
By your immense love.
Because this you Who gives and this you Who takes back.
Lord give us the strength to live and grow as dad wanted to grow in your word.
Giving strength to mother does not let her down.
Thank you for the life of grandfather.
Thank you thank you Lord for all be our God and our refuge. I leave my work in holy hand the work of my brothers too.
We have finished praying, I ask my mother if I can sleep with her "she said without problem my son, also call your little sisters we are going to sleep together, I said ok mum we will not leave you alone.

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