lost values ( partie 1 )

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Had Andi forgotten the rule, a value that dad taught us because his behavior had become very weird. He spent his time with weird people, smokers, thieves, he had become a thug. Andi also wanted to lead praise in his thug path.
• Praise influenced by Andi's group, he too wanted to do voyeurism. But Jules wanted Praise and Andi to continue on their voyeuristic path. He decides to go and ask for work for his boss.
He arrives in front of his boss;
Jules: hello sir
Boss: hello
Boss: how are you, Jules ??
Jules: very well sir and you?
Boss: in shape ...
Jules: sir
Boss: yes Jules
Jules: I come to ask for work for my brothers, if you can help us to give work to my brothers ??
Boss: Work ??
Jules: yes sir
Boss: you yourself know that there are more workers to post if there is I was going to tell you !?
Jules: sir please, my beginnings to frequent bad areas, because of missing to do and you know our situation at the moment please sir ..........
Boss: but there is no room? !!!!
Jules: sir, if they can start transporting even the materials sir!?!
Boss: let me think ... ?? But their salary will not be like yours ???? OK .
Jules: yes sir, thank you very much monseigneur.
Boss: ok tomorrow at 7 a.m.
Jules: no problem sir.
Jules coming home with the news and says to mom first; good evening mother
Mom: good evening my love
Jules: can I find work for the brothers?
Mom: ohhhh thank you very much, I hope now that they will accept ... where is it?
Jules: same place
Mom: great how you're going to start watching them.
And his brothers arrive home, tired they smell of alcohol.
Mom says ; you are disgusting, what example are you going to give to your brother and sister ??
My brothers: ahhhhh mom leave us, we don't even have a job. Now you have some work Jules has to look for work ... where mom ?? Where he works, we will do what kind of work. You will see tomorrow, and how much does it pay ???
75 dollars, Quais this not bad says praise; but Andi tells me nope !! I knew that if you were going to make the problem, mom, I'm not worth 75 thirds; everyone understood that he was already drunk. Said mom, yes you are worth more my son laughing !!!!!! You fools wanted to smear the image of your father, papa is no longer there; mom slapping Andi very hard; never dare say that again.

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