The drama

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After having this new job I was happy and moved at the same time. I couldn't wait to get home to share the good news with my parents and siblings.
But when I got home, I found a lot of people in front of the house crying, everyone was super sad, I could hear screams from mom crying. My heart beats at a speed I already felt that it had a misfortune in our family, I approach near the house everyone does not stop crying and suddenly their eyes were fixed on me, my little one coming to give me a hug in telling myself "daddy is no longer there" I was confused my mind was no longer there; I had more strength I can't even cry Because I was about to force myself; I saw my mother
She was completely confused super sad and covered in tears, my mother seeing me She couldn't even cry nor spoke; I get close to my mother suddenly I also start to cry .... I cry cry cry again and again I stop no longer, so much that I cry my mother can no longer cry; I hear my mother's phone ringing? !!! It was my brother who stayed at work when I picked up the phone to answer: my happy brother asks me if daddy knows my new job "I answered him crying daddy is no longer there" he tells me you've gone mad or crazy I leave daddy at home in good health, then you tell me that he is no longer there .. he tells me pass the phone to mum little fool where it is the money that makes you say that his nonsense „ "my mother picked up the phone crying and my brother cried no no no !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mom it's not true no no! ????! ??? my brother was so shocked that he picked up "after a few minutes I saw my other brothers coming running they came over and said" where is daddy show me where daddy I'm going to see with my own eyes my father, if it's a joke c is not funny at all; they all entered the room at the same time "they saw daddy lying covered with a white sheet; they started to cry to cry like babies me and my sisters and my mother re have also cried. My mother said "my children let us be strong very strong like dad you taught despite this great pain let us not let ourselves be brought down by the devil, let us always keep our heads held high my loves • We were all at the end of our strength. Suddenly the family came my aunts, uncles, newborns, niece, and grandparents. My father's father arrived shocked speechless and said "son you don't have respect how you can do that eh, I told you that you who was going to bury me but not me, as always you don't hold your promises you are a naughty boy, he was really touched by the death of his eldest, and still said "as I live without my first son, lord receive us in your light and grandfather fell to the ground ......

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