Chapter 1: Prologue

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A/N: My username on Ao3, and Wattpad are all the same while my Tumblr is legends-of-time


Blimey, where does she begin?

Well her name is Katherine but most call her Kathy and her age, well that's the real question, a complicated one. Kathy was originally born on the 14th of February 2000 and yes she knows – Valentine's Day. Yeah really original (wow used that word twice).

Anyway yes, she was born in the year 2000 CE/AD though she supposes you are wondering what she meant by originally. Well, born in 2000 in England to mum and dad as well as two younger siblings, lived out her life pretty normally till she died just a few months after her 21st birthday. Well, Kathy thought she died, didn't really remember, bit fuzzy. Anyway, just what she needed after the about year and a half they have had if you know what she means.

Again what's so special about that? What's special is waking up to a blurry world as a baby and in the 6th century is what! Kathy hopes she's not the only one that has been reincarnated so that she knows she's not going mad.

Her family that she was born into was alright though she didn't understand much of what they said at first considering how different their 6th century English is from her 21st. And she knows you are wondering how can she work that one out if she can't understand them? Well, there's this thing called learning. So she now also knows Old English though it is not old to them.

She still has a mother and a father but this time she was not the oldest when she was born at some point in the summer of 530 CE/AD (they didn't really keep a specific track of actual dates). However, her name changed to Arantxa, which she later learnt meant thorn bush in old English so thanks parents number 2! She had three older siblings and two more came after her so there were a bunch of them, however, a couple did die early on in their lives. They were not rich so it was all hands on deck from a young age working the land owned by their landowner.

Kathy settled into her life in this new world and literally led the most basic life you can have as someone who is living a reincarnated life in 6th century England, specifically Amore-burh. Literally so basic. Marriage to a man called Barden and had a child called Payton, who sadly died at only three. She knows that infant mortality used to be very different but actually experiencing a loss of a child, even if you expect it, pains you. Barden was alright, to be honest, Kathy liked him and he was the security she needed in this world as well as support during the loss of Payton.

Well, she says a basic life, there was one thing that she noticed was different about her specifically compared to her last life. As she got older she realised she was different from her new siblings and when Kathy says different, she means that she soon noticed she was, and am, not entirely human. How Kathy realised this was instead of the one heart she had for 21 years in her last life, she noticed it was now joined by another. The only other situation Kathy knew of a being having two hearts was in the TV show Doctor Who.
Kathy was highly doubtful of that being real at first but she soon realised that having two hearts and seemingly having time travelled, was it really outside the realm of possibility? She questioned what this meant for her lifespan. If her father was a Time Lord, how Time Lord was she? Could she regenerate? Or was she a different species altogether? What did this mean for her child?

Kathy quickly realised even before then that she was separate from her siblings and this was since her father in this life was not biologically related to her and that her mother had actually had an affair. Drama am I right? Really explains the name they gave her. He was never horrible to her but quite cold towards her compared to how he treated her siblings, which she personally felt was unfair as how is it her fault that she's another man's (though considering the two hearts, how much of a regular "man" was he?) child. She didn't ask to exist! ...again.


555 AD/CE

Kathy finally began to get answers when one day, she was 25/46 and pregnant with Carlyle (her second child and son) at the time, a blue box appeared in the woods while she was collecting wood. Kathy honestly thought she was hallucinating. She had seen this blue box before with the words "Police box" written on it but she had always only seen it on a screen, in fiction. But no it was happening, it was real. Kathy couldn't unhear the whooshing noise that she used to be so familiar with. As it lands, it's as if something connected within her mind and she could feel a presence there.

Before Kathy knows it the door opens (the wrong way if she remembers correctly) and out steps a man that looks awfully like the 10th Doctor and a woman who looks exactly like Rose Tyler.

The man (Kathy was a bit reluctant to call him Doctor) then spots her gaping at them and his face splits into such a wide smile (she can't understand why his face does not fall apart). "Kathy!" He then calls. He knows her old name? "When are we? Have you been to platform one yet? Wait no can't have not the right time or maybe—"

He continues on like this, rambling, until the woman, who she reluctantly calls Rose in her head, slaps his arm and yells, "Doctor!", which promptly shuts him up.

Something dawns on his face as he takes in her appearance and facial expression. "Oh. Oh you're so young aren't you? You haven't met any of me have you?"

Kathy literally can't take it anymore and yell, "WHAT???!!!

"Yeah, don't suppose you had."

And that's how it all began.


A/N: Let me know if I should go into more detail about Kathy's life before meeting the Doctor. I felt I should get a brief feel about who she is first in a quick prologue then go into her with the Doctor. There could possibly be snippets of her life added now and again.

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