Chapter 14: The Eleventh Hour Part One

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A/N: Been adding all of 13's up to now on my plan. I think if I feel I can work an episode in, I'll add it. There's going to be a limit to what Kathy knows in that era as in my head, she travelled to this world during 13's run. Someone asked me if I'll add 14's but we'll have to see on the plot.


1996 AD/CE

The TARDIS flies out of control over London.  The centre console sparks and the control room is in flames and is exploding. The whole ship is turning upside down, spinning them around and around. The doors fly open, Kathy manages to grab onto the railing on the console but the Doctor doesn't manage to do the same. She looks around to find the newly-regenerated Doctor outside the TARDIS and hanging onto the edge by his hands, sonic screwdriver in his mouth.

The Doctor begins to pull himself into the TARDIS. Kathy runs over to help pull him back in, narrowly missing the top of the tower of Big Ben. There is another explosion, sending them both tumbling down. They manage to get up but are thrown once again and further into the TARDIS.

"Not the swimming pool!" Kathy whines just before they fall in.

She pulls her head up to see that the room is sideways. Kathy remembers that the Doctor had to climb out of the room with some rope. When she turns to him, she finds that he has already gotten the rope with the grappling hook on the end. He grins at her as he throws it as high up as he can. The Doctor tugs it and it seems secure. She notes that his clothes, Ten's clothes, are ripped and singed.

"Feel like climbing?" He asks.

Kathy smirks at him. "Don't have a choice, do I?" He carries on smiling. "Well, after you. I'm in a dress." A dress that is falling apart at this point. She understands why Amy calls her tattered.

The Doctor starts climbing, using the bookshelves. As they climb up the rope through the control room, Kathy sees that the TARDIS doors are already open for them. Everything feels weird to her seeing the whole place sideways.

The Doctor finally reaches the outward open doors and pops his head over the edge. "Can I have an apple?" He asks to, who Kathy can assume is, little Amelia. "All I can think about - apples. I love apples. Maybe I'm having a craving. That's new, never had cravings before."

"Can you ask for an apple when I'm not hanging in some rope?" Kathy calls from underneath him. "I can't hold on much longer."

"Sorry." The Doctor replies, straddling the TARDIS and leans back inside with an offered hand to pull Kathy up. She sits next to him on the TARDIS frame. Kathy turns to see little Amelia standing in front of them wearing a red jacket and matching wellies over her nighty.

"Are you okay?" Little Amelia asks them, her Scottish accent heavy with her words.

The Doctor puts both legs over the side, sitting on the edge and Amelia does the same, heaving her wet and heavy 16th century dress with her.

"Oh, just fine." She huffs.

"Just had a fall." The Doctor adds in. "All the way down there, right to the library. Hell of a climb back up."

Amelia frowns and looks them up and down as if to double check that the two odd people in front of her are actually soaked. "You're soaking wet." She points out.

"We fell into the swimming pool," Kathy explains.

"You said you were in the library." Amelia counters.

"So was the swimming pool." The Doctor tells her. Amelia rolls her eyes in apparent frustration.

"Are you police officers?" She asks them.

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