Chapter 25: The Unquiet Dead

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1869 AD/CE

Jack appears in a flash and lets out a surprised cry as he lands on the floor. He quickly looks up to see where he is but realises he seems to be in a park and there doesn't seem to be anyone around. He lets out a huff and pulls himself onto his feet. He can't see Kathy anywhere, he thought she'd be here, that's what— no! Jack groans in annoyance when he realises his vortex manipulator has fizzled like Kathy had said it would.

"Hello." A voice quietly speaks behind him.

He spins around and smiles broadly when he sees two familiar brunettes. "Kathy! Ashildr!"

Kathy raises an eyebrow and shares a look with her companion, Ashildr. "Hello Jack."

"Oh brilliant!" Jack cries. The ex-time agent lunges forward and brings Kathy into a tight hug. He pulls back and sees Kathy staring at him wide eyed and surprised. His smile dims when he realises. "We haven't met, have we?"

"We've never met as far as I am aware, just seen you from a distance." Kathy replies.


"A bar."

"Ah, well, I do always like—" Jack begins to say with a grin.

"I think the both of us would prefer it if you don't finish that sentence." Ashildr interrupts.

Alright. Let's start again." Jack holds out his hand. "Hello, Captain Jack Harkness."

"He's doing that flirting thing you warned me about." Ashildr remarks.

Jack scoffs. "I'm only saying hello!"

Kathy laughs. "Katherine Davis at your service."

"So, where am I? Hope this is Cardiff, early 21st century."

"Well, right area, wrong year."

"I'm close though, right? Cause my manipulator has gone bust."

Kathy winces. "Jack... this isn't the early 21st century. You're in the 19th."

He looks her up and down, sees her clothing, and realises she's right. "Why didn't you send me to the right time?"

Kathy looks at him, surprised. "I sent you?"

"Yeah, you fixed my vortex manipulator temporarily."

"Oh, well, I probably did that cause you just told me I did and what's happening right now has already happened to me." Kathy points out.

Jack groans in annoyance. "Oh, well," he waves his hand around at her, "I must say, very nice. I like this outfit. Just as gorgeous as the last." He gives Kathy a sly wink which makes her blush brightly. Amelia had forgotten how... overwhelming Jack's teasing could be. It makes her feel uncomfortable.

"Y-you can tease later. Right now, we have other things that are a priority." She clears her throat in a clearly uncomfortable manner, glancing at her daughter-in-law for help but all she receives is an amused raised eyebrow.

Jack laughs loudly. "Aww, is someone shy? Normally you'd be flirting back."

"Well, I've only just met you."

"That does makes things awkward." He rubs the back of his head, feeling out of place with a Kathy that doesn't really know him. He is so used to older her who seemed to know him so well and how to flirt back with him. He knew neither of them meant anything by it. Only playing really. "Wait, you know my future, you know when I'm going to find the right Doctor that coincides with me right?"

Kathy shares a look with Ashildr and looks back at him. The emotions on her face seem almost identical to the ones that the older Kathy he'd just left wore. "Jack... you're going to have to wait 138 years till you find the right Doctor."

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