Chapter 1: Ben's exciting phone call

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Y/N was on her way to her store walking through Central Park excited to start the day. As she made her way through the park, she enjoyed people watching, seeing parents having fun with their children, teens on their first dates and of course the occasional vendors wanting to sell her things or offer rides through the park.

Although her big brother Ben (sometimes very overprotective) didn't want her to walk through the park alone in the early morning and late at night, she enjoyed it. This quiet walk to her store gave her mind ease and allowed her to do her favorite thing, dream and create little fantasies in her mind making her smile.

As she made it to her store crossing the street some man on his motorcycle completely ignoring her having the right of way just sped in front of her almost hitting her.

"HEY! WATCH HOW YOU DRIVE THAT THING!" yelling at the top of her lungs, Y/N notices the motorcyclist stopping shortly after opening his helmet letting her quickly recognize who it was...

"Sorry Pidge! Kind of in a rush!" the biker yelled back to her as he had stopped a few feet ahead of her the second, he zoomed past, almost hitting her.

It was none other than Mr. Johnny Storm himself. The man Y/N had a crush on all through middle and high school, seeing him there on his bike calling her by the nickname he gave her in 8th grade after watching "Lady and the Tramp" in their English class quickly brought back that feeling of butterflies in her stomach.

"Just -- Just watch where you're going next time.." She quietly says as she watches him nod, closing his helmet and speeding away into the distance. Taking a deep breath, she returned to what she was doing which was opening her store, putting away the new delivery of books and getting ready to start the day.

As the day goes on, customers walking in and out of the store, Y/N's cell phone starts to ring.

"Sorry, it's my brother. I'll be right back to help you pick out a book for your essay." Y/N tells a customer as she walks back to her desk and answers her phone.


"Hey Y/N! How's your day going?"

"Going great! Took a nice walk-through Central Park, almost got run over by Johnny on his motorcycle..." she silently mumbles "Lot of customers at the store and just got a new book to read!"

"That's good! What did you just mumble...?"

"Nothing..." she lies "How was you and Reed's meeting with jerkface - I mean Victor?"

"Mhm..." He notices her quick change of the subject but decides to ignore it "It went alright. I have some exciting news! Your big brother is going to space!"

"WHAT?! NO WAY THAT'S AMAZING!!" yelling at the top of her lungs "Oh my gosh Ben we have to celebrate, dinners on me tonight. I close the store at 5pm today so be at my place by 7!"

"Haha, Alright Debbie and I will be there" Y/N cringed after hearing him say Debbie's name. She never thought Debbie was good for her brother. From her point of view, it was a one sided relationship with her brother sadly being the one who loved the most in it...

"Sure. Ok, I'll make mom's famous spaghetti. See you guys then."

"Alright Y/N, see you tonight and please take a cab home. You know I don't like you walking through Central Park by yourself."

"Yes Mr. Bossy I will, Love you."

"Love you too."

Y/N sighs and puts her phone back in her pocket. "Tonight's going to be a blast..." she says as she rolls her eyes and walks back to the customer she was helping.

-- Later that Day --

The day was over for Y/N at work. As she puts away the last few books she had around, locking up the register, she grabs her bag and keys, leaving and locking the door behind her.

Having nonstop thinking about her brother going to space along with having to treat him AND Debbie to dinner that night she got a little stressed. Taking a deep breath while taking her keys out of the door. "Oh lord, let me get through this dinner with no issues..."

"Who are you having dinner with?"

Y/N turns around in a panic only to see once again Mr. Johnny Storm himself leaning against his motorcycle outside her store just waiting for her...

—— Little Note ——

Hi! so I haven't really seen that many Johnny Storm and Y/N stories so I decided to give it a shot and write one.

Hope you enjoy it!

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