Chapter 4: The long awaited talk..

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"Pidge we need to talk..."

That sentence hit Y/N with major anxiety; she hasn't spoken to Johnny in 6 almost 7 years - Then all of a sudden, he shows up back in her life wanting to talk? She was confused on what this guys motive is.

"Uh sure" Y/N checks the time "I have another hour before I have to open the store, there's a café down the street we can go too..." She said softly as she walked past Johnny and out the door

Johnny nodded and followed her out looking back watching her lock the door behind them. "You own it?" he said looking up at the building then the sign

"What?" she glances at him then back at the store as she starts to walk to the café "Oh- Y-yes, yes I do. Reed got me a job working as his assistant during college. I saved up and was able to buy it." she smiles showing how proud she is of her store and life so far "It's a dream come true for me." she added as she took another drink of her hot chocolate.

He smiled seeing her let the biggest smile on her face appear when talking about one of her dreams coming true. That was what always made him happy, hearing about her dreams and waiting for them to come true. Admiring that she never let anything or anyone take away her spirit when some dreams did not come true, she accepted it and moved on to the next thing.

They both walked in silence reaching the café where she found a table quickly sitting down drinking her hot chocolate that Johnny gave her moments ago. Still nervous and wondering what he wanted to talk to her about. Maybe he wanted to brag to her about going to space before she could, or he still felt bad about almost running her over... So many possibilities.

Johnny walked to the counter and ordered himself a coffee. As he waited for it he kept watching Y/N working on what and how he was going to tell her about his side of what happened that night and what made him do what he did, followed by finally apologizing to her and maybe telling her that he loved her...

"God don't mess this up Storm..." he whispered silently to himself as he took his coffee and went to join Y/N at the table she was sitting at.

"So..." she starts off while taking a bite of the pumpkin bread "My brother tells me you're going to space with him - along with your sister, Reed and Victor for some reason." She took a drink of her hot chocolate.

"Yeah, to be honest I always thought you'd be the first between us to go to space." He genuinely  believed that even though he did work with NASA and went to college for engineering. "I'm shocked Ben didn't try and get you to go with us..." he adds while looking at his hands, unable to make eye contact with her.

"Oh, he tried." Johnny's head shot straight up, although he kept a plain face the thought of them going to space together made him feel butterflies and pure excitement. "I said No though, If I'm going to space, I want to earn my trip not just be a plus one." There was the independence he missed from her.

They both sat there still silent unable to think of what to say next. Looking down at their hands or outside people watching

"Ok Johnny, why are we here... We haven't spoken in six almost seven years and suddenly you want to talk, what's going on?" She sat up looking Johnny straight in the eye.

"I-I want to apologize to you pidge..." he takes a deep breath preparing himself for the worst outcome "For what happened at Rachel's party senior year. I'm sorry." he quickly saw her face turn to stone, no emotion or anything at the mention of that party. "What I did was stupid, and I regret it, If I could go back and stop myself from doing it I would--" He was quickly cutoff by Y/N putting her hand up.

"Why." she said coldly staring at Johnny watching him struggle trying to speak "Why did you kiss her." she asks now, crossing her arms sitting back waiting for his response.

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