Chapter 20: Goodbye to a Dream

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Brad carried Y/N in his arms running as fast as he could to the hospital. He'd glance down every now and then at her as she was holding her arm tight and crying from the pain. Bobby caught up to Brad as he ran through the doors of the Emergency Room.

"Help! Help please! She's been burned badly!" Brad screamed as the nurse came running taking Y/N and putting her on the gurney taking her away.

Bobby took a deep breath and looked at Brad "Sue was angry at Johnny and made a force field throwing the fire toward Y/N... Johnny is innocent"

Brad was silent shaking his head, just worried about Y/N. They've been best friends since their senior year of high school, and she was really the only one of his friends who accepted him for being who he was... He'd do anything for her.

-- Flashback 2000 --

Brad had told his parents he was gay, not to his surprise they immediately disowned him... They gave him till the end of the day to pack his stuff up and leave, never wanting to see or have anything to do with him.

He cried packing a suitcase, duffel and his backpack leaving threw his window, so he didn't have to face them again. Before he closed the window to his now old bedroom, he grabbed a framed photo of him and his parents from his 16th birthday.

He stood at the nearest bus stop unknowing of what to do until Y/N called his cellphone.

"Hello?" he said trying to hold back the tears that badly wanted to fall down his face

"Hey Brad! Good news, I have officially moved into my new apartment and I'm making hot chocolate along with pumpkin bread" the bell from her oven went off "I'm about to put on some Christmas movies so get over here!" she smiled and hung up the phone.

Brad got into a cab and headed to Y/N's. He knew when she saw his bags that something was up, he did the next thing he could possibly think of... Being prepared to lose his best friend also.

The cab soon arrived at Y/N's and Brad made his way up to her apartment knocking on the door nervously. She soon opened it with the biggest smile on her face.

"Hey! I got two mugs, and some sliced up bread" she glanced down seeing his bags then up to his sad face "you alright? What happened?"

They both bring his bags inside her apartment and sit down on her couch to have a chat.

"P-please don't hate me, I have nowhere else to go..." Brad began crying

"I could never hate you Brad, what happened?"

"Y/N... I'm gay." he wiped his eyes as the tears he was holding in finally fell "I told my parents and they kicked me out and I don't know what or where to go"

She hugged him immediately letting him cry on her shoulder as she began to cry as well. Y/N hated seeing Brad so upset and wished she could just go to his parents and give them a talk too.

"I know Brad..." he looked at her shocked. "I knew because I noticed how you look at a certain barista, Bobby hmmm?" she laughed, lifting her eyebrow as Brad blushed "And you aren't going anywhere. You live here now, take my room- I'll sleep here on the pull-out couch ok."

"Y/N I can't--"

"No arguments. Now let's get you moved in so we can start our Christmas movie marathon!"

-- End of Flashback --

It had been hours since they brought Y/N to the hospital. Brad paced the waiting room as Bobby was trying to get a hold of Johnny but had no luck making him worried.

"For Y/N Grimm?"

Brad and Bobby stood up fast walking to the nurse

"Yeah, we're her brothers" Bobby lied so they could go and see her since it was only family allowed.

"Follow me"

They followed the nurse to Y/N's room walking in seeing her laying on the bed with her arm wrapped up and she was resting. She was exhausted and thankfully had something for the pain. All she wanted was to hug Johnny and tell him that she was ok and that it wasn't his fault.

"Hi sunshine." Bobby said hugging Y/N tight "How are you feeling?"

"I'm better, thank you." She looked at him then to Brad who was crying "Come here" she held her hand out to Brad pulling him into a hug

"I was so scared I'd lose you..." he said as he cried into her shoulder

"I'm ok, thanks to you honey. I promise I'm okay..."

They hugged for a while then pulled apart as he went to fill out her paperwork so she could go home.

"I tried calling Johnny but no luck..."

Y/N nodded at Bobby. She was sad of course wishing he was there, but she knew he was probably out there somewhere blaming himself for this. It wasn't his fault, Johnny and Ben were in their usual temper argument, Sue got in the middle and stopped it as usual. Y/N was just there in the moment at the wrong time, it was a clean accident.

"I'm worried about him Bobby..."

"I know sweetheart, let's just get you home and relaxed." He held her hand "We'll find Johnny, don't worry" he gave her a reassuring smile.

"Did you call Ben?"

"I did. I told him you were okay. He's still furious with Johnny and what happened to you.."

"I'll talk to him when I get home."

Brad came back grabbing Y/N's coat and helped her put it on. They soon left the hospital and went on a long walk back to the Baxter Building, Brad was going over Y/N's new routine she had to do for her arm, how to keep it clean and how to rewrap it, etc. As they got closer to the building she wanted to stop at her store and grab a couple of books that had just come in the day before. She had a feeling that Brad and Johnny were basically going to make her be bed ridden as her burn healed, she might as well make the best of it.

They walked up to her store but for some reason Brad felt something was off. He had Bobby backed up from the sidewalk and stood behind a car. He then heard a snap as Y/N opened the door wide about to walk in.

"Y/N NO!"

Brad ran grabbing her running back to where Bobby was as her bookstore blew up behind them throwing them on to street hard. Her store was in flames everything burning. The fire department and police were there in a flash taking Brad and Bobby's statements as Y/N stood there staring at her store.

The place she worked hard to own and set up, the place where she made so many friends, had amazing memories with Brad, Bobby and recently, Johnny... Y/N silently cried as one of her biggest dreams was now gone, taking a deep breath she said goodbye as one of the officers handed her a burnt up scrapbook she had hidden behind her counter of her store filled with pictures from day 1 to present.. She was soon brought out of her thoughts as she heard a familiar voice.

"Y/N! Y/N!"

She turned seeing Johnny running toward her worried


She smiled handing the scrapbook to Bobby and ran to Johnny hugging him tight not wanting to let go.

"Are you alri--"

She kissed him quick and passionately as he did the same, holding her tight until they heard what sounded like another explosion and lighting making them pull apart looking up seeing Reed's apartment glowing.

-- Little Note --

Y/N's ok, God bless. Rest in paradise to the store, the next chapter will be a little Johnny POV don't worry!

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