Chapter 18: Trouble

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Johnny and Y/N woke up early that morning. They got dressed for the day and headed downstairs. Johnny insisted they get breakfast together, Y/N agreed and suggested a little diner that was close by.

"I'll have a waffle, scrambled eggs and bacon please. Oh and a glass of water." Y/N told the waitress as she handed her menu back to her.

"I'll have the same but with a cup if coffee." Johnny added as he also handed his menu back to her.

The waitress smiled taking writing their orders down and left to go get their drinks.

Y/N took a deep breath looking outside the window of the diner watching the sunrise over central park. Johnny smiled watching her and held her hand making her turn to look at him.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" she took her hand away grabbing a napkin and a small mirror from her purse "You know I hate when I have something on my face and you don't tell me." she whispered yelled at him

Johnny laughed "No, no you don't have anything on your face.." he reached over taking her hand again "You're beautiful.."

"Oh shut up."

The waitress soon brought over their drinks and food. They dug in enjoying their breakfast and the peaceful morning together.

"What're you doing today?"

"I open the store at 8:30am then close at 9pm. From there I'm just walking home and going to read."

"You're going to take a cab home right?"

"No, I'm going to walk like I always do."

"No you're not."

"Johnny, I'm fine. I'm always safe and careful. You don't need to worry about me."

"Pidge, I've always worried about you. Even when we weren't in each others lives for a time I worried about you."

"How romantic."

"You're my girl Y/N.."

Y/N couldn't help but blush at the sentence Johnny just said. As much as she loved him she couldn't help herself with messing with him.

"I don't remember you asking me out though.." she smirked

"Oh you're playing that game." he raised an eyebrow as they both laughed hard.

The waitress came back taking away their empty plates. She gave Y/N the bill so she could pay for their breakfast, which Johnny didn't like but knew he wouldn't win the argument.

After they left the diner they took a stroll through Central Park. Johnny walked with his hands in his jacket pockets with Y/N holding arm smiling looking around the park.

He for some reason was insanely nervous. Johnny never thought he'd ever ask a girl to be his girlfriend before until this moment. He looked down smiling at Y/N, his nerves immediately went away.

"Y/N." He stopped walking and held her hands pulling her in front of him "I have to ask you something.."

"What's wrong?" her eyebrows furrowed nervously

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Y/N smiled big and laughed "Yes, yes I'll be your girlfriend" Y/N jumped into Johnny's arms kissing him

Johnny held her tight as they kissed and set her back on the ground carefully. He pulled away looking at her then kissed her forehead.

"Sorry that wasn't romantic"

"It was perfect." she smiled


They soon arrived back at Y/N's house, the couple said their goodbyes and I love yous parting ways.

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