Chapter 21: Realization

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It had been an hour since what happened at the X Games. Johnny was back at the Baxter Building in his room lying flat on his back on his bed staring at the ceiling. He was silent still seeing the image of
Y/N getting burned and her face when she was hit with the pain.

His cell phone kept ringing, glancing over he saw it was Bobby calling probably about Y/N as much as he wanted to answer it, he just couldn't. Johnny turned over seeing the sweater that Y/N had left on the bed that she had on that morning except she changed out of it when she left for the games, he reached over grabbing it to hold it. Taking in her scent he held it close as he cried into it feeling guilty for hurting her.

As he laid there holding her sweater tight crying into it, he shut his eyes hoping to sleep but was wide awake. When he shut his eyes all he saw was her... Unknowingly to Johnny but his playboy self-started to make an appearance.

"I gotta get out of here."

He got up and went to the lobby to talk to reporters. Ignoring all questions about what happened at the X Games with Y/N. A man walked up, giving Johnny an action figure of Ben. He quickly went inside to show everyone.

Not much to his surprise, everyone was fighting because Reed and Sue were being all lovey dovey instead of working on the machine to get Ben normal, Ben was mad at Johnny for what he did to his sister, Sue was feeling guilty from throwing the fireball at Y/N with her forcefield and then Ben broke the toy of him leaving if a rage.

"I'm done with this freak show. I'm moving back to the real world."

Johnny reached the lobby ready to leave the building with Sue tailing behind him.

Johnny reached the lobby ready to leave the building with Sue tailing behind him

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"Is that what you call it? Your playboy wannabe act? You call that, "Real"?"

"At least it beats living in a lab like somebody's science project."

Sue stayed quiet as Johnny turned to leave.

"Johnny, slow down. What about Y/N huh? What do you think Y/N will think about you leaving her again to go back to that trash life?"

"Look around, sis! I hurt Y/N. I burned her! She's not here. I think this was her last straw with me, she doesn't care. She doesn't love me anymore. So, you can stop talking to me like I'm a child."

"As soon as you stop acting like one. Come on, you're smarter than this. You know Y/N loves you with all her heart, you didn't burn her Johnny, I did. I threw that force field making that fireball hit her. You guys have made so much progress. You've honestly been the happiest I've ever seen you in years thanks to her..."

She sees Johnny start to realize what she's saying is true and then looks out to the news reporters and everything.

"You think those people out their care about you? You're just a fad to them. They'll soon lose interest when they find the next cool thing to talk about."

He pulls away from her, taking a step out the door.

"Let's try something new: you live your life. And I'll live mine...And just for the record: they LOVE me."

He walked off into the night, leaving Sue and everything else behind him getting in his car and driving to a penthouse party he heard about.


Speeding through the city Johnny made it to the party. As the elevator doors opened, he stood there staring at everyone, it was like he was reliving a memory. He walked in seeing everyone from high school then seeing her, Rachel. It was Rachel's party all over again only this time no Brad or Y/N...

The crowd slowly noticed him there and surrounded him. They cheered, danced, and drank until Rachel spotted him.

"Johnny Storm is that you?"

Johnny looked at Rachel laughing to himself remembering that Y/N once said in the future she would be the fakest person out here. She had a short hooker-like dress with plastic surgery and everything. She married rich but wasn't satisfied with that being the reason she threw parties whenever she could.

"Rachel, you haven't changed a bit" he lies straight through his teeth

"Do some fire tricks! Make the party alive" she said laughing clearly drunk

Johnny took the opportunity to show off. He did tricks and lit stuff on fire, but he couldn't help but feel empty inside. As he looked around at everyone laughing and smiling there was one missing, Y/N's smile...

He soon stopped and just stared at everyone, he missed her so much that not even being his playboy self-made him happy or even showing off his powers. The crowd soon turned and booed when he stopped.

"I'm done Rachel. I gotta go."

"Don't tell me Hardcore Storm is getting all soft" she laughed "You're acting like how you did in high school, before I got you away from that bitch Y/N." she turned to her little group. "She was such a LOSER, held him back so I saved him." she smiled

"Don't talk about Y/N like that." he started getting pissed

"She was hot though; I'd still hit that." Travis said.

He was a football player who slept with just about anyone back in high school. The only one he didn't sleep with was Y/N... Travis was soon Johnny's friend when he joined their group senior year.

"I'd hit that then leave her with no contact afterwards, it's hilarious when I do that."

Something snapped in Johnny. He threw a little fire at Travis making him drop his beer as he grabbed and pinned him against the wall.

"You're a piece of shit who will never grow up."

Everyone stared at him holding Travis. Johnny soon let him go and left the party, he finally woke up. That was the last he'd ever see of those people and act the way he did. Playboy Johnny was officially gone. As he headed to hospital, he heard an explosion and saw fire coming from a well-known area.


He ran full speed to her store seeing it in flames but soon was put out by the firefighters. Making his way through the crowd he saw Y/N, his Y/N the love of his life standing there wrapped in a blanket holding a scrapbook safe and sound.

"Y/N! Y/N!!"

He yelled running to her as she turned to see him and did the same. She smiled and ran to him hugging him tight not wanting to let him go as he did the same.

"Are you alri--"

She kissed him quick and passionately as he did the same, holding her tight until they heard what sounded like another explosion and lighting making them pull apart looking up seeing Reed's apartment glowing.

-- Little Note --

Johnny said, "Bye bye Playboy"

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