Chapter 15: The Letter

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The sound of rain filled Y/N's room. She woke up looking at her opened window seeing the rain drops fall down as all of New York began to awake. She smiled and stretched then got out of bed to get ready for the day. Y/N walked down her stairs grabbing her umbrella, bag of papers she got last night and her new little women book so she could read it at work.

Y/N took her usual path through the park saying hi to all her friends and made her way to work. She smiled big seeing Brad and Bobby waiting outside ready to help her for the day as she goes and handles her paperwork filing.

"Why some one is all smiley this morning.." Bobby said poking Y/N's arm

"Ha Ha funny." Y/N added as she opened the door to the store letting the boys in "I wanted to get here early and handle this paperwork."

"I'll help you." Brad grabbed her bag and headed to her office

Bobby watched Brad walk back to Y/N's office.

"So, how was the walk with Johnny last night?"

"It was fine. We talked about Harry Potter, we're technically reading it together. He loved the play last night."

Y/N didn't notice but her face lit up when talking last night. Her heart starting beating rapidly as her smile grew.

"What else did you guys do?"

"Well made it back here for the paper work and OH BOBBY LOOK." she ran to her purse pulling out the Little Women book "He got me the anniversary book and got one for himself so he could read it" Y/N bit her lip a bit

Bobby noticed and couldn't help but smile. He was happy that Y/N was happy. Bobby took the book and flipped through the pages finding an envelope

"Hey Y/N-"

Brad came out of her office after logging all the paper work and filled in the orders.

"Thanks Brad."

"Y/N did you read this letter?" Bobby said as he opened the envelope

Y/N turned recognizing it and wondered how it got into her book

"Uh, Johnny wrote me that after our fight.. It's probably something stupid"

"No it isn't girl. Read it." Bobby said handing it to her

-- Johnny's Letter --


I'm sorry for what I said and acted. I never in my life told you this but, you knew me. I used to be the scrawny kid in school, bullied every day, the one who everyone thought wasn't going places. Then that summer came, and I changed, I grew and got a bit buffer, basically a dream come true for me. Then when senior year started everybody paid attention to me and actually gave a shit. Looking back on it now, you were right. Everyone just gave a shit about me when I changed, you were the only one, besides my family of course... Who liked me for me, well in your case loved me...

I remember I was having a bad day at school, one of the assholes on the football team literally shoved me into a locker. Took you an hour to finally get me outta there. God, I just remember being on my couch upset wishing I could look different and yes having a little pity party for myself, I was on the phone with you just venting as you of course were doing your homework, but you were listening. I was always grateful for how good of a listener you were and still are... I know I just kept talking then suddenly the line went out and I was stuck wondering if you actually hung up on me, which you did. I just sat there upset with my dad and with you then suddenly Sue opened the front door and there you were, standing on our front porch soaked because it was raining cats and dogs holding some food plus a movie from Blockbuster that you rented that night. You gave me a hug and said, "Life sucks but moments like this last forever." with that I knew you were the girl for me, I guess I always knew but just that moment confirmed it.

I was lost after that party Y/N... you saw how and what I did with my life afterwards. I hated every second of it because you weren't there. I didn't have you to talk too or to spend time with, I will forever regret that night, going to that stupid party because I thought it was finally my time to shine and be appreciated but it wasn't. It was fake. I thought I lost you forever until that day I almost ran you over with my motorcycle heading to Victor's building to talk to Sue about going to space for Reed's experiment. You didn't see but I pulled over to the side and just watched you... I went to that café that you took me to and sat at a table just watching you run your store with the biggest smile on your face. It made me smile knowing that the biggest dream you had when we were kids came true. I did go to see Sue eventually but afterwards I immediately went back to your store to talk to you, but it turned out what happened was just me giving you a lift to the store, buying you flowers and then leaving you to carry everything back to your place by yourself which I also regret and am sorry for!

I love you with all my heart Y/N, I can't get you out of my head. No matter what I did my mind just circled back to you... I meant what I said in the bathroom at the space station. I truly love and want to be with you if you'll still have me. Please talk to me. I miss you and even if it's a 'No' I still miss my best friend...

Call me... Or come see me, you know where I'm quarantined.

I'll always love you Y/N Grimm. Always.

- Johnny

-- End of Letter --

Y/N stood there teary eyed as she read the letter over and over again. Brad and Bobby stood there watching her. Bobby had the biggest smile on his face as Brad was confused


"Huh?" Y/N said confused looking at Bobby

Bobby was putting her jacket on her and pushing her out the door when suddenly the bell on the door rang, Y/N, Brad, and Bobby looked up seeing a soaked Johnny Storm standing there looking only at Y/N. He had a bag in his hands

"I think we'll leave you to it."

Bobby said as he grabbed Brad with their umbrella. He shoved Brad out the door before he could ask a question on what was happening. He walked pasted Y/N then Johnny and silently changing the store sign to "Closed" as he shut the door.

Johnny and Y/N never broke eye contact breathing heavily. Just looking at each other with lust and with all the love a person could feel for one another. They just stood there.

"Sorry to interrupt. I went to Barnes and Noble to get the Chamber of Secrets for us to read." He put the bag on the counter taking the books out. "I didn't know it was going to rain today so sorry if its wet."


"Yes. I know you were supposed to buy the second book and we'd switch off, but I couldn't let you do that."

Y/N just stared at Johnny. Her heart was beating so fast. Before she knew it, she jumped onto him wrapping her arms around his neck kissing him hungrily and passionately. Johnny wrapped his arms around her and walked back bumping the couch making them both fall with Johnny top of her on the couch.

Y/N, not breaking their kiss, took off her shoe and threw it at the light switch turning off all the lights so no one could see what they were going to do...

-- Little Note --


Also, I'm sorry about the cliffhanger! I'll make up for it in the next chapter I promise!

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