Chapter 2: Market trip with Johnny

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Y/N just stood there in front of the door of her store just staring at Johnny in shock that he was in front waiting for her. Along with wondering how the hell this kid looked even hotter than the last time she saw him 3 years ago at Sue's Christmas party.

"You alright Pidge?" Johnny said curiously, still looking at Y/N snapping her back to reality.

"Huh? Y-Yeah I-I'm fine, Wha--What're you doing here?" she clears her throat, trying to stay cool. Which clearly, she was struggling with doing so.

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright after almost running you over this morning" Hearing him say that sentence gave Y/N that feeling of butterflies in her stomach again along with making her blush a little

"And to make sure you wouldn't sue me."

And... the feelings are gone

"Cool" little anger starts to rise "Well, you should be happy now, I wasn't planning on suing you for what happened this morning and that I'm alright." she puts her hair up into a ponytail "No injuries or trauma, so on that note goodbye... asshole..."

As Y/N started to walk away Johnny stayed leaning against his bike quietly smirking to himself looking at the ground, he always liked giving her a hard time.

"You didn't answer my question" He crossed his arms and looked towards her as she stops in her tracks not turning to face him "Who are you having dinner with?" Asking this question again but with a silent tone of jealousy and wonder

"My brother and his fiancé Debby..." She responds annoyed and was about to continue walking to the market to pick up the ingredients she needed to make her and Ben's mother's famous spaghetti to celebrate Ben's trip to space later that week

"Hop on, I'll give you a ride to the market" Johnny stands tall grabbing the spare helmet he had as he put his on

"Yeah... No" Y/N turns watching him "I'm not getting on that thing especially with you, People will talk and think I'm just a random girl Johnny picked up like they did towards the end of high school."

"You're not just a random girl Y/N, y-you're my best friend." Johnny truly meant that but like every friendship with the cutest guy in high school it went south leaving both parties separating not speaking for years.

Y/N stared at Johnny trying to read him, he called her his best friend. They hadn't been friends for years yet here he is. She stood there silently fighting the urge to give in, but does since it is getting late and she's on a tight schedule. "Fine..." she walks over grabbing the helmet from his hands "But no funny business alright or I swear I'll kick your ass." she says aggressively putting the helmet on and gets on the bike

"Always such a lady." Johnny says silently getting on the bike and rode to the market

-- At the Market --

Y/N was speed walking up and down the aisles double checking making sure she got all the ingredients she needed along with a few other things she needed in general.

"So... why are we going up and down the aisles? Cause I'm pretty sure we've been down this aisle 4 times already..." Johnny said while panting a bit trying to keep up with her as he pushed the cart

"I just want to make sure I got everything, I want this meal to be perfect -- Also you didn't have to come in the market with me, you could've just dropped me off and left."

Johnny shakes his head, walking up to her.

"No can do" he points outside "It's dark out and I don't like the idea of you walking home by yourself in the dark"

She nodded her head, does he actually care? or is there some sort of catch here

"God, you sound like Ben." she rolls her eyes and looks at the flowers as they walk to the floral section towards the checkout stands "I walk home in the dark every day and nothing happens."

"You've been lucky then -- What're you doing?"

"Buying flowers." She picks up the nicest bouquet of flowers "No one ever buys me flowers, so I buy them for myself." she smiled looking at the flowers she picked and put them in the little bag

Johnny looked at her feeling shocked and upset. Who wouldn't buy this girl flowers? she's amazing and the sweetest person he's ever met. In an instant he grabbed the bouquet from her and headed to the register.

"What're you doing?" She questions him as she unloads her things from the cart onto the counter to purchase them.

"Being the first person to buy you flowers" he says smiling as he hands his card to the cashier.

Maybe he was being nice to her. Y/N looked at him then down as she put the pin for her card in. For a short moment the Johnny, the nice and sweet Johnny she knew and loved in school made an appearance. She slowly felt the butterflies returning as she shook her head and grabbed her bags

"Thank you, Johnny."

"You're welcome, Pidge."

There's that damn nickname again making her blush just a bit.

"I'll take you home." Johnny walks over to his bike getting on

"Uh no it's fine, I live just over there." She says pointing to her home down the street. She adjusted her hands as she held all of the bags and the flowers he had just bought her. "Not that far a walk, don't worry about it." she smiled softly

"Alright then, I'll see you around Pidge" putting his helmet on immediately regretting not offering to walk her to her home.

"Bye Johnny." she gives a small smile knowing damn well she'll never see him again.

As she walked away, she slowly turns around watching Johnny start his bike and ride away back towards the city. Silently wishing he'd turn around.

Y/N made it home just in time to make dinner for Ben and Debbie. As she cooked she mentally prepared herself for an evening with Debby...

— Little Note —
There will be flashbacks to Johnny & Y/N's life back in middle & high school, including the events that caused them to go their separate ways..

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