Is he your BF???

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JK: Don’t do that kinda things again….

Tae: what???

JK: are asking me what.. that you did at bus….

Tae: I feel horny sometimes……..

Jk didn’t reply to that… but he was smile at his phone…. and went to sleep…..

Their Collage vacation over and colleges start from today

Jin,Hoseok,Min and Jimin went Deagu Art and Music College same as Taehyung and JK went to Busan Art College.

At the Deagu College..

Jimin: Taee….Tae…….. come here……..(jimin waves to Tae…Jin,Min,Hobi also were there)

Tae heard Jimin voice and saw his mates… he walks toward them……

Tae: good morning every one……ohoo wait moms calling me…

Tae: yah….I will come after college to take it…I miss my baby soo much……….(Tae hangup the phone)

Jin: Baby…..????

Tae: ( laugh)… ahaaa…. that’s my Saxophone… I call it Baby…….

Tae: Okk… guys see to at lunch……..My lectures starting now……

Tae waves and left

( Jin/Hobi/Min and Jimin are Art section students and Taehyung studies at Music section)

They again meet at lunch time……..Tae came little bit late and try to find them in canteen area

Hobi: ( raise his hand and wave) Tae… over here….

Tae: sorry.. guys… I was practicing and forgot the time……(Tae sat with is lunch tray)

But Tae still haven't start to eat

Min:(with smile) aren’t you eat…there’s no one to feed you.. as usual……

Everyone laugh and Tae start to blush

Jimin: here’s the mouth who only speak facts………

Jin: Seriously Tae how you made JK to fed you.. that day…..

Tae flip his hair: cuz I’m Kim Teahyung….but actually I also shocked when I fed me without telling any word….

Jin: that was the first time I saw kookie.. behave like that…finally here someone can handle our kookie….

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