Its Mr.Joon...

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Tae: you don’t need to do that???

JK: what??

Tae: Challenge…let’s forget that….

JK: hey… you challenge me!!!…. don’t you remember how I proved I'm a good kisser….

Tae ( on the other side with a blushing face ) : yah………………

JK: I have already started this……soooo….wait for 2 weeks…..I will show how good I can flirt….and let’s make a bet toooo

Tae: okkk……if you lose… I need a chocolate kiss…….

Jk pov: ahaaaa….should I lose……..

JK: OKK…deal…. if I win what I got???

Tae: hmmmmmmm………anything you want……….

JK: anything???

Tae: yes…….

JK: OKKKK….I know I can win…. you better get ready to do what I say……..

Tae: I forgot to tell you.Jin getting love poems from a stranger………..

JK: our Jin???

Tae: yah… should read them….it’s sooo romantic………..

JK: I just came home…will take a wash and call you okk….

Tae: okkk…..

JK went to take a wash and Tae started to practice saxophone…..Jk came back and txt with him….this was their routing everyday………no matter what happens…..always keep in touch with each other………

Saturday Morning……JK was walking to the Art class….Tae called him……..

JK: good morning….yah…on my way…..wait another call coming….

JK answered the next call….

JK: yah… ok sure…. no you don’t need to come sora… just send me a photo…I can draw that…

JK hang up the call……….again log to Tae’s call

JK: Tae you there!!

Tae: yeh….who is that????

JK: sora…….
(with smirk)

Tae pov: ahhhhhhhhhhh……it’s getting worse……..

Tae: Why did she call you???

JK: it’s a secret…….I’m at art class downstairs now……call me if anything happens….. and….now start to practice ok!!

Tae: You are always commanding me!!

JK: yah…. and do what I say…..

Tae: OKKK boss………

Jk hung up and went upstairs to Art class…. when he entered class… he saw everybody gathered around Jin….

JK: what happened???

Jimin raised his head and saw JK……….

Jimin: come!!!! Jin getting poems….

JK: I know Tae told me….

Jin: I got 2 from post but this 3rd one was in our doorstep today morning… means this person know my house too……..

JK: Let me see one letter…….

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